General Discussion

General DiscussionLosing streak

Losing streak in General Discussion

    Dota is a complicated game,

    No matter what you do, the sistem gonna blow your winrate till it comes to 50%. Im winning almost all games, and than, and dont fucking know why, start losing.

    Wrong picks, teammates, situations, all thing contributed to a 6 losing streak.

    If you are winning guys, relax, the lose will come. Its hard and stressfull;



      Any Facts to back up ur Propaganda?

      ASSESS Product

        Dota 2 is Illuminati?


          look up fix winrate dota 2, there is a whole conspiracy and this thread is now their baby... beware.


            I am sure everybody has around 50 % winrate. They might actually match you with (bad teammates) when you are on a winning streak to stabilize the mmr System.


              (also had a 10 winstreak and suddenly boom 4/5 games lost)


                Or: You reach your skillcap and play with players as good/bad as you are. So you start winning losing 50/50.


                  Yep, so if u win like 10 games and u go up from 2.5k to 2.9k and you start losing, thats probably because the skill level at 2.9k is much superior to 2.5k and u still don't belong there. So work on your self instead of blaming the System.


                    i think my account is broken guys, halp!


                      Every time I start working my way back up to 54% some fucking morons get placed on my team and I start barrelling back down. Even got a 6 game loss streak the last time I made the mistake of playing...haven't had a 6 game loss streak since last June. It's all because I started to get up past 53.70%. No no no, can't let you get a 54% winrate, gotta lump the biggest morons and intentional throwers on my team who pick shit like magnus/vengeful spirit to go offlane against a spectre, or a brewmaster soloing offlane against an antimage who obviously gets freefarm.


                        Maybe you just aren't good enough to support a 54% winrate at your current bracket? I'm sure you've won games because the enemy team were doing stupid shit before, its a two way thing.

                        Fee Too Pee

                          just pick meta hero like void , sven , BH , spec , OD and bam ez win . i am serious dota ranked its all about meta now


                            ^x2 you cant say that like this. I lost quite a few games where i did fine and we actually could have won if my Team played a bit better you can still lose a game even if you do really well.

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                            Fee Too Pee

                              ^ i Spammin BH , even my team lost early fight . one teamfight : BAM comeback gold + tracks gold buy all supports item and ur carries rich ez game . winning early ? welp ez snowball with track gold i quess.

                              sometimes pick OP heroes is just the way to not lose man. but yeah i lost one match cause somehow my ember rush travel after bottle with no stats item gg

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                                It's entirely possible to lose games when you do well, but if you're better than the other 9 people in the game you can have a large enough impact that you win much more than you lose, thus you'd have a higher win rate.

                                lm ao

                                  Eh nope. @OP the forced winrate is kinda stupid.

                                  Theres this ingrained superstition within us and its called gambler's fallacy. Basically we believe that in a games of either heads or tails, win-or-loss we tend to believe streaks of either one occur in a run of multiple tries.

                                  The truth is, runs are statistically independent in nature. The biggest reason you lose really comes down to your mind: your psyxhological disposition tends to degrade whenever you lose a game in Dota, especially if you a very close game or got roflstomped because of (again, statistically independent) the teammates you got for that particular match. You do not always get retards after every other loss, the mental effect of your previous loss will always hamper your mental performance somehow, and this phenomenon will always continue in a chain if you always keep trying to play despite your continually degrading mentality; its like the gambler who thinks after a few more losses, he continues to gamble more money, thinking that at least with all his losses, he will eventually get a win, falsely foreboding another winstreak of the same length. But alas, normie thinking, gambler ends up crying to his way home with empty pockets SoBayed.


                                    where is pinoydoge and what did you do to him?


                                      Ask your cat friends kitty...

                                      lm ao

                                        Dotas matchmaking algorithm is just so simple in reality

                                        Given that op creates a smurf as a test

                                        The game creates a (hidden) numerical equivalent to your overall skill from your very first game played on this account up to the game where you finally unlock this account for matchmaking. The game takes into account every statistics from every game you played, and it compares it to the global average depending on which hero you play. Its the system estimating how good you are against the average a la linear number style: if you are worse than the average, your mmr is incrementally and discretely lower than the global average with total regard to your composite skill calculated by said skill algorithm. If youte better than the average, then the opposite of what i said happens, but again it depends on your stats vs the global average. Its true that when you want to calibrate high, stat@ really do matter, thats why we get all these stupid smurfs asking if kda and shit is needed for a 4k smurf. Yes its true, but some people abuse fotms and some heroes to get higher stats. It may sound like cheating, but gamesmanship isnt prohibited which eventually gives them a rating they dont deserve.

                                        lm ao

                                          I need upvotes my gringo kitty-cat meow :3e


                                            12 streal lose boys!, damn it feels good. . .

                                            Vem Comigo

                                              i had 54%wr, this patch made it 51%


                                                Right now I am at almost 55 win rate, however, I'm only 1600 mmr. It does seem the higher I go I get paired with players That don't know what they are doing with the hero they have chosen, or pick an lc when they have an omni dazzle on the other team. And lately after a decent winning streak the other teams always seem to have much better players. Just dota being dota I guess. I'll reach 2k someday and see if the players are different there


                                                  I got a new record around newyear with a 15-16 game winning streak. I got to 56% win rate, and one month ago I lost like 19 of 20 games. It was absolute insanity, and in the end I decided to give up this crap and stopped playing. However I could'nt stop for long, so I came back after 1 month. Back now, with a win rate is at 54% that seems kinda stable.

                                                  I think too that Valve has a special algorithm to keep the winning rate so close to 50% as possible. This is to keep the game interesting also to new and less skilled players. Valve understands they have to win to keep coming back (and buying new gear). And in the end I guess it is positive for all the skilled players too, due to a greater assortment of fun things to do from the income. More skins, more tournaments, more of everything.

                                                  I don't complain, but I will always be salty after a losing streak ;)


                                                    @Grandpa I don't think Valve keeps Winrate at 50% for some reason. Its all in ur head mate.

                                                    Cosmic Power

                                                      No is not Dawn. Even Grampa, me and you have about 50 % winrate. Is it coincidence? or is agorithm ...

                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                        It's simple the more you win the harder the games get. You doing 'fine' at 2.5k will lose you games at 3k because your opponents will capitalize more on your mistakes