General Discussion

General DiscussionBest heroes to spam in 6.87?

Best heroes to spam in 6.87? in General Discussion

    ^ OD, sven, SF, troll, PA and clinkz I guess. Viper maybe? Thoughts guys??

    Dune, the Desert Planet

      Sven with that double attack item.


        morph naga medusa?


          idk but im gonna start practicing naga from tomorrow


            Sniper too Imho, that new item which pushes you and the enemy 900 range away from each other sounds like it was just made for him. Also can't be countered like shadowblade is. Troll is strong as fuck now. PA has finally got a buff too so thats great.


              E R R O R B L A D E
              PA mid?

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                Storm aghs refresher = BLACK HOOOOOLE

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                  what do i play on offlane in the new patch tho? i dont understand it at all.
                  well nyx is kinda strong apparently, but again it depends on who the meta cores gonna be.

                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                    10 armor TB. Also that new item rapes PA so hard it's not even funny, it's 7k gold though, the most expensive item after Dagon 5.

                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      3.5 HP regen is very good for Nyx indeed. I think Na'ix will be pretty good, the nerf on level 1 ulti kinda makes it sad for offlane though.


                        better as hard carry


                          i wanna play viper deso


                            i wanna blak hol skrubs as storm


                              yes, you can no longer miss a 200hp pa 5 times in a row so that she can crits you back 3 times and get fullhp. and that armor is not a buff that strong on tb considering that magical damage is his main pb.
                              +TripleSteal- phoenix offlane, she got strong buffed.


                                blak holing some skrubs withstorm sounds also good


                                  woods storm incoming


                                    holy shit did u see shaker aghs lmgfao he michael jordan now

                                    Dune, the Desert Planet

                                      Good I'm gonna shit on kids with Naga so fucking hard.


                                        I'm pretty sure viper deso is the cancer of this patch atleast on mid skilled pubs. Man this shit is gonna be insane!! And troll with that double melee right-click item!!


                                          @Triple - Offlane axe afcourse! That pure dmg's gonna rek many many enemy safelanes hard. Also the dmg reduction in counter helix is not even significant. Man how can u deal with that shit????!!! Plus blademail got buffed too. Exdee!


                                            phoenix upgrade is absolutely useless.

                                            i like tide on dire side so far due to the easy access to ancients theough a new path.

                                            axe might work, but it highly depends on what the meta for carries gonna be. so far i see PA as a hero that will be picked a lot most likely, and axe is okish against pa.


                                              Bristle I think will be picked more due to blademail changes making it a legit item pickup on him. The ability to be tanky as fuck, dish out damage and scare off people dealing damage will go far.


                                                Pa's weak late game though, the Bloodthorn counters PA too much. It's like the whole enemy team can rape the PA when the active OD bloodthorn is on her. Gives crits to the whole team on the target plus truestrike , that shit is insane!!


                                                  I feel the only reason they buffed PA was because of this really strong item against her. Feels like it was made to counter PA, antimage etc.

                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    tb buff is nothing, he needs hp not more armor. he already rapes physical damage dealers but gets 2 shotted by nukers.

                                                    Sniper buff is a joke, it's like 100 dmg rank 4 of shrapnel. But that item might fix a lot of his problems. Of course people though dragon lance would make him imba too and it didn't so idk.

                                                    Troll? Really? With 1 more fervor stack he becomes op? Ranged cd is really nice but it's only 1/2/3/4 second difference. So pretty good rank 4, but most people don't max axes first, it's max fervor 1 or 2 in melee form, then axes. The fervor thing is negligable, takes a lot of hits to get to that for 30 more attack speed. Might help with rosh a lot but most stuff is already dead by then.

                                                    BB is the sleeper, especially with vanguard into abyssal.


                                                      You're not seeing the real tb buff is that magic resist item: infused raindrops. He takes no physical damage and with this item takes no magic damage. Combined with block now working on illusions tb could be disgusting.


                                                        Shit i want to try:
                                                        Bristleback vanguard into abyssal blade
                                                        Viper desolator/lifesteal+skadi
                                                        Manta style tide kappa

                                                        Fee Too Pee

                                                          Huskar get a buff lalalala (why the ffuck no tank buff)


                                                            Low key buff on natures, aghs+ refresher +exp potions. EZ lv 25 in 30 mins tops
                                                            Late game carry natures with right build.

                                                            Free 2 Play Scootz

                                                              Viper is the new enchantress


                                                                Sven rules this patch guys. Item
                                                                Allows quick succession double attack with gods strength and armlet now grants bonus armor? Ez mmr with sven

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                                                                  Lord Arthas

                                                                    I mean that buff to blade mail was made especially for PA, not even bkb can save her


                                                                      Enchantress w/ hurricane pike i'm calling it


                                                                        God bless is an account buyer I'm not worried about it lel


                                                                          Pretty sure void is extremely strong, the fact time walk was only slightly nerfed in terms of cast point but buffed in range means he is definitely still a viable off-lane, also the buffs to time lock, slight nerf to time dilation and buff to vanguard only strengthen the vanguard build on him and make him if anything more successful if played with the; 1-3-2-1-1-4-1-3-3-3-4 skill build with treads vanguard Aquila into some mid-game relevant 4th item in my eyes.


                                                                            Ench w hurricane like is stupid as f**k, will surely be nerfed in the next sub patch