General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to know which support to pick in 2k shithole?

How to know which support to pick in 2k shithole? in General Discussion

    Bounty worked out quite well :)
    And ya ppl at this level seem to ignore omni and abba quite a lot
    So I often mk best use of tht attitude

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      Execute Order 322

        advice - dont play omni, its requires 0 skill/brain. the mmr u ll get by spamming omni will cease away very soon since it won't be real. spamming omni and getting mmr doesn't improve you in dota at all

        King of Low Prio

          That is legit the worst BH build I have ever seen


            I was thinking of building it

            Arcana meka > GG Boots




            next time


              I haven't calibrated yet but I also play support often in my "noob tier bracket" so I'll share my thoughts

              I try to pick supports that stay relevant if the game ends up being longer than it should, which means I usually want to have a hard disable such as a reliable/spammable stun. When it comes to healing, you can provide it to your team with a very cheap Urn of Shadows, or with a Mek, which is more expensive but has easy buildup. If you pick a healer and your team lacks disables instead, your healing will be less relevant as the game progresses, and the items that give you disables are incredibly expensive.

              Many people in my matches are afraid to push, so I also want something that can clear a creep wave in reasonable time. So this is what has been working out for me:

              Ogre: tanky, early game beast, reliable stun, aoe slow that pushes creep waves, buffs your right clickers, incredibly easy to use. I might be biased because it's my favourite but i find it hard to think of any drawback. Maybe just the fact that being melee doesn't help with dewarding

              Venge: her stun is decent, percentage based damage aura, her agility growth is super high so she can push easily and get some farm with wave of terror + right clicks

              Lion: 2 hard disables on a low cooldown are just too good. The Q works nicely on creeps too. He's always squishy though

              Wraith King: i know he's generally played as a carry, but the stun, the lifesteal aura and your ulti are relevant even without big items. I had not tried to play him another way until yesterday, and it worked really nicely, but maybe a more experienced player may correct me if i'm wrong about the viability of support wk. And he's super easy to use if you watch your mana.

              Lich isn't working out well for me. Might just be my general lack of experience, but it falls off super hard lategame and his source of mana and exp slows down your pushes. I find Omni very boring to play and frustrating when your teammates are worse than you are, but it might just be my frustration with my latest two games with him, that were super bad.

              I tried witch doctor and shadow shaman once and i sucked with them, but they have hard disables, pushing power and healing in the case of wd so it was probably my fault and i should git gud

              If any higher skill player could correct me if anything i said doesn't make sense, that would be appreciated

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              King of Low Prio

                WD is not a good low tier pick because of the positional requirements and good stun timing