General Discussion

General DiscussionHow important is Dota 2 sounds?

How important is Dota 2 sounds? in General Discussion
Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    I don't use them but how useful it is? I read somewhere that you can hear enemy jungling in the forest if you are near enough eventhough blind spot, or natures prophet teleport SFX when cast near you, etc.


      The most important thing about sound in Dota is listening to your teammates who are talking. This is a team game and communication is key. If your teammate is trying to talk to you, and you have your sound turned off, it can be incredibly frustrating, and you can end up making mistakes because you aren't communicating with the rest of your team.

      IMO, game sounds aren't important, but being able to hear your teammates talking on mic is super important.


        well , game sound is important .. you can hear press the attack when LC near you even fog/blind spot , you can hear when enemy RS , you can hear Rylai scream if she got killed.

        Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
        Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

          When communicating, SEA players usually use chat rather than mic.

          Mike Wazowski..!

            Its not just about your teammates.. There are so many things that you can't know without sounds.. With sounds you can basically keep track of all the skills that's been used in a team fight.. Even if not in near vision of screen if an enemy is tping in you can hear the tp scroll sound.. A lot of times I can hear press the attack before LC jumps in, I'm not sure how I hear the sound from fog but I do.. Sound is the second most important thing to play IMO..

            ASSESS Product

              btw, can you see invi player in river by looking at their footstep? I saw in replay, in player perspective, you can see the footstep of invi hero in river. I might be wrong too.

              Mike Wazowski..!

                Lol dude.. That's a replay thing.. It doesn't actually happen in game..


                  ok just to let u guys know, humans react a lot quicker to audio stimuli than to visual stimuli. yes gamesounds are actually important. ur screen might not see an enemy nearby for whatever reason, but u can still hear the sound from their skills and it lets u react a lot quicker. saved me a lot of times.


                    Most skills and items you can here in the fog
                    So you here if some1 tps in and can arrow him Or you here ursa or pudge in the rosh pit
                    But on the other hand you need a very good headset to land skill shots with only having a sound
                    Im actually playing without sound aswell and some times I recognise that I only die bec of that


                      "No, mom, I don't watch porn now, I play QoP in DOTA 2!"