General Discussion

General Discussiondota calibration.

dota calibration. in General Discussion

    hi can i have any tips to climb to 5k mmr using my smurf acc? my main acc highest was 4.4k mmr






          so just win? do i have to keep winning on normal game before i calibrate?


            well, with this acc you are between 3100-3300 or whatever. You need to win, ALOT, to be even remote close to 5k.


              git gud


                i checked your blog , you've been moved from normal skill to high skill, im still stuck in normal skill even though i have stats better than yours in the last games , i can't understand the method of calculation anymore !!!!!

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                  As far as I know, it's all Elo Based. The higher the MMR, the higher your skill bracket.


                    well im trying to climb more up


                      i wanna try to reach 5k mmr coz im still stuck in 4k the highest


                        you will get 2k mmr


                          play correctly, and you get gut mmr.

                          I made a test today, and it's actually possible to earn +52 in calibration game, dunno which is the cap/game though

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                            First thing… u are not 4k player !
                            Stop lying save trees


                              new accounts don't always work correctly in skill bracket
                              he may be actually 4.4k or somewhere there

                              Arc abo zbab

                                Idk wts wrong with ppl who is trying to grt very high skill bracket its simply valve check your gameplay performance and put u where u belong and this is exactly what hapenning to me right now i sold my main 3 years ago 5.8k mmr and now i play unranked games and most ppl i play with 5.3k+ ppl say max calibrate 4999 its fine for me even tho 4k nowadays are so toxic low players xD

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                                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                  Win a lot on your main account and learn match making patterns (e.g. losing 2 ranked games in a row and thinking you'll win your 3rd ranked and you end up on a 5 - 6 ranked lose streak, win 1 ranked game, then lose another 4 - 6 ranked games)

                                  Two ranked losses is where I stop for a few hours or the rest of the day.


                                    u want 5k? learn to watch your replay, learn all mechanics and work your way up, kappa


                                      thanks for all the info i will learn from it. i just do my best win all the normal game and learn more about the mechanics