General Discussion

General DiscussionShould I Recalibrate?

Should I Recalibrate? in General Discussion

    I calibrated at 700 back when i was a shit player. I just started getting into ranked and now I'm wondering if i should recalibrate instead of trying to raise it. I'm always the best it seems on my team and so many people just feed at 700.


      Stay in abyss, demon!

      ***casts barrier spell***


        Given the number of games and time spent to make a new account, you shouldn't make a smurf unless you are 100% sure you can get and play at about 2k MMR above where you are.

        Other wise you can play 150 games, win 75%ish since you are 2k below where you should be, and gain 1900 MMR in the same number of games it takes to make a new account and calibrate solo.

        Or, you can just not care about MMR at all since i assure you people will still call you shit/noob/trash no matter what number you have, the best way to get better is to get better, not necessarily spamming 3 heroes in ranked until you achive a certain number (like i'm doing now =(

        Either way, GL


          do not calibrate........ you lose a lot and your gpm is bad.... farm more die less

          Livin' Real Good

            You're always the best on your team? You should be able to raise your MMR fast and easy by time this month ends right?


              @Yorkey-Maybe but its hard to 1v5 a fed team


                ***drinks clarity potion and strengthens the barrier***