General Discussion

General Discussionlmao on reddit calling out USW to be the easiest server

lmao on reddit calling out USW to be the easiest server in General Discussion

    countless people saying its way easier and another significant amount saying the same for EU (as in its harder)

    Dune, the Desert Planet

      Isn't it a known fact that EU MMR is worth more than any other server MMR?

      stupid fuck 2000

        2k EU = 9K US

        Dire Wolf

          hardly anyone plays on USW, not that surprised. I think USE is fine, probably just slightly below EU.


            Even SE-A is harder than US servers . We have more dicks here , every game is a challenge .


              the average size of dicks in ur region is way smaller tho

              ASSESS Product

                In my last ranked, my team consist of sk, puck, cw, techies and guess what the last pick is? It was fcking ogre random pick against qop, invo, fv, pheonix and viper. The enemy also random an OD but repick viper. We dun even have hard hitter (coz of that stupid random) and manage to push the game almost an hour bcoz the enemy never buy bkb and got too cocky bcoz of our draft and end up wipe out in late teamfight. Thats show how 2k in SEA is the most cancerous out there. I'm impressed if someone manage to rank up to 3k from 1k without smurfing.


                  lmao on reddit

                  that's all you really need