General Discussion

General Discussionhow would you learn a 100% new guy to play?

how would you learn a 100% new guy to play? in General Discussion

    never played a moba before. where should i start with him?


      the verb u should use here is "teach", not "learn".




          @Op - You don't learn from him , you just teach him.:D make him play support afcourse in pubs and core in a bot game something

          Your Wife's Boyfriend

            supporting is 10x harder actually


              First thing you teach him is about Rotations, TP's SHow him some fails of the week and some Plays of the week video.s THen teach him how to farm jungle and then Teach him how to use the mute button. 4k MMR in no time.


                Jungle lc. It's what all the cool kids do.

                Dire Wolf

                  just throw him to the wolves and have him solo queue. Then make him watch a lot of pro play. Have him play like 100 lich games


                    ty TS for correcting me xD
                    i explained him really simple: kill moobs, attack hero when i stun, carry a tp, dont straight click a hero when we attack, farm jungle, how to stop attack animation/ move and attack.
                    hes already getting like 200cs/30 mins with jug lol.
                    gonna play with bots until he learns most of the heroes and skills.. and stops blocking enemy creeps lol. "look noob, im blocking better than you" while enemy creeps attack him.

                    any suggestions for noob-friendly heroes? some supports and easy last hitters. slark/jug? maybe cm/lion for supports?

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                    Pale Mannie

                      never let him pick squishy shits like cm and lion


                        Let him watch alot of tutorials online and read alot of sites then let him start support you in bot games, first teach 1 hero for like 10 games, then teach him more heroes before you go into pubs


                          Wraith King is the easiest hero to learn. He only has one spell and its single target, not a skill shot. He is melee. He gets free extra lives. Feeding the biggest problem for true new players. It is easy to not feed with Wraith King.

                          Wraith King can be played carry or support. Teach them to farm first. Then after many games, keep playing Wraith King but switch to support and teach them to roam and gank.

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                          Your Wife's Boyfriend

                            Yes you can also show him the CAPS LOCK LEORIC guide, its old but its still viable


                              Start him on the tutorials then bot matches. Then play bot matches with him. Then when he can reck those bots move to harder bots. Then when he can reck insane bots you can move go play with real people. The bot matches let you deal with him being new without worrying about others or having to try hard yourself.

                              When explaining the game take one of these approaches.

                              Dota is a game about not dying
                              Dota is a game about gaining exp/gold faster then your opponents
                              Dota is a game about making plays
                              Dota is a game about taking objectives
                              Dota is a game about how specific heroes/items interact with specific heroes/items

                              They eventually will need to learn all, but start with what you think they would enjoy the most. Follow with what they need the most.

                              Ways to explain types of characters.
                              Off lane, mid lane, jungle, safe lane (laning positions)
                              Positions 1-5 (gold/experience)
                              Initiator, tank, carry(dmg), support(heal),... Team fight positions

                              Go along with how you explained the overall game, then ask what position sounds most intriguing.

                              Finally when recommending a hero-
                              make it be the position they are interested in
                              Make it as easy as possible (but realize they'll likely change before they are done with bots)
                              Make it go along with how you explained the game (if you emphasized making plays, recommend a combo/play heavy hero).

                              Recommend videos/ watching pros AFTER they enjoy the game.


                                I learned how to play DOTA 2 here:


                                  FUCK THE TUTORIAL

                                  FUCK BOT MATCHES

                                  Go play a custom and turn cheats on. Have him play around with every item and whichever hero's he wants for like 4 hours while he last hits and you explain to him the most basic concepts of Dota. Have him read all the item descriptions and explain whit like why brown boots are one of the first items you buy on 99% of hero's.

                                  Then just play over and over while you point out his major mistakes.

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                                    tell him to play the game if he enjoys it enough to waste way too much time to be good and he wont ever truely be good until he can memorize every ehros rough damage early on for LH and DN, every spell all of its attributes such as number of targets or cast range and spell duration and wheather it can be purged or go through spell immunity like bkb, learn map all the spots to hide gank rotatefrom hook from or juke around what items combo well like an ac and deso and so on which all together will probably be about 500 hours. if he enojoys it that much and spends that much time on it hell be as good as you can help him be anything afetr that is all him, and make sure to teach him how to mute people will win way more often if he can do that. plus sniper is generally a safe pick early on when hes playing agasint noobs hes got weak base daage so great practice for last hitting and denying and good range so eh can hide and play cautiously.