General Discussion

General DiscussionPros and cons of smuf

Pros and cons of smuf in General Discussion

    I'm planning to make a smurf out of curiosity and wait what it leads me. I see a lot of smurfs where the hero pool consists only of 5-6 heroes mainly carries. Does supporting give low future mmr that's why they go carry? Apart from that, I wanna take a glimpse on how different is a carry world from a sup world tho Im a support player myself. What are the downsides of making a smurf and the advantages of it?

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      g: you can feel good about yourself when you're pwning noobs with <10 games played
      sometimes you can calibrate several hundreds above your original mmr
      you can get some cheesy kda's/winrates in beginning

      b: you will get stomped fast since your skill bracket will jump a lot during first few games
      maybe you'll calibrate lower
      even if you would calibrate higher, you would spend less time by playing and getting to that mmr on your mmr
      you'll probably end up with like 30-40% wr if you aren't good
      you will get matched with other smurfs so the games will be inconsistent, often unwinnable or full of gameruiners who have 10 accounts and when they get to lpq with one they'll switch to another
      you'll be rightfully looked at as a moron

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        you will get matched with other smurfs so the games will be inconsistent
        you will get matched with other smurfs so the games will be inconsistent
        you will get matched with other smurfs so the games will be inconsistent
        you will get matched with other smurfs so the games will be inconsistent

        THIS LMAO i tried smurfing once gave up after 2 games, do you have any idea how horrible the attitudes will be of the people you'll be playing with?


          supports do not give lower future mmr, the fact that most smurfs are core-only players is biased to the mentality-ego problems of their creators ("i am better than others, my team holds me back, i cant rely on other people, i need to grab core role"), plus the myth that you need to play position 1-2 to calibrate higher. this myth is very popular in dota community, and i got no clue why is that.

          g: less stress (probably); less responsibility; enemies got no access to your real games if you join leagues/ladders/tournaments

          b: a lot of shitty unranked games to be played; irrelevant inflated rating; everyone thinks you are retarded; lower rate of improvement cz you are playing outside of your real skill group (it can be either lower or higher)


            anyone knows why is this like the most commonly used anime girl avatar? is this a stock steam profile picture or someth?

            its a girl from one of the sakura games and ive seen it super often


              smurf games are toxic


                smurf make you enjoy dota...
                real account make you quit dota

                Holy Roman Empire

                  Support gives more MMR than carry. And by support I mean Omni


                    @vohi8 ye it's from the steam lol

                    Pale Mannie

                      I smurfed once
                      It was shit
                      Never again


                        play support and enjoy dota. Not everybody can carry the game...I am trying to avoid to be carry.


                          smurf = play 30 games of unranked with friends, afk bots with riki until level 50, play 2-3 games solo unranked, ez lyfe

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                            I wonder some smurfs have more bot matches? Why is that so?


                              There are no pros

                              mr octupus

                                i dont think im a smurf.


                                  cons: you will create an imbalance and reduce the chances of the opposite team of winning, no matter how well they play for their respective skill level, causing the same kind of frustration that you yourself have felt in the past,when you faught against smurfs. you will also give your non-smurf team-mates a false idea of what it takes to win, slightly reducing their ability to learn the game.

                                  pros: will will own the opposite team who is clearly not as good as you, increasing your ego. you will create a personal fantasy that you're awesome that benefits only you! your skill will also stagnate. well done!

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                                  Farming Simulator

                                    Its fun to try new things out, i once managed to get 18 wins 2 loses on a smurf where i decided to only play random, after that things went downhill quickly...

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                                      just git gud . rofl