General Discussion

General DiscussionBounty Hunter is OP

Bounty Hunter is OP in General Discussion

    Hello guys,

    BH is realy good hero for team snowballing. There are my last matches. BH needs only arcene boot early game and track every one as possible. 250 gold for every kill to you that is precious. You dont need farming, and true sight for your team mate, track gold for team mate, aura & support items for your team mate. It's easy game for you and team mates. You must beware and follow enemy support for sentry and gem. Track have 1200 range and you can give auro your team mate and use heal or other items for team mate certain range. BH does not need fight with enemy mid or late game. Dont go right click items.

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      Pale Mannie

        Yet there are people folllwing blindly volvos suggested build

        Phase boots into desolator and not tracking anyone
        >every 2k BH ever


          This isn't 1 match baby. I won game with build deso dagon etc sititual games. if you see my link, you feel it.



            they either warded everything or pudge had something, because he killed me three times by randomly using dust and ulting me. besides that fairly easy game, but we had horrible teamfights it was really embarrassing

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              I honestly don't like having this hero in my team. They think they are helping by harassing the mid for a little and then still being level 2 by 6 minutes. Then after they finally start becoming useful with Track, we are so far behind we can't even take fights.


                well , simple way when enemies pick gondar . buy sentries at stargame with 1 obs for midlane .


                  Bh is super good. pretty sure you could spam this hero for ez mmr ever since the bouncing shuriken update.

                  As long as he isn't TOO far behind in levels he can gank most heroes.

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                      @Kitrak: Can you explain me how BH is executed in 5k+ with so high success rate. Normally cancer heroes fall down in higher brackets but this one gets better with MMR getting higher. What 5k BH do that it helps team that much in comparison of 3k scrub BH. Is it the only difference on BH execution or is it also that more experienced teams can somehow leverage the benefits of sniped curiras and Track gold/vision?

                      I am asking because i see he is second highest win rate in 5k+ bracket after omniknight.

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                            can u not also purge track with satyr?


                              super fun hero


                                ^yeah your avarage carry shitter is going to build a hotd to purge track. but you most definitely can


                                  Doom can also eat satyrs which makes him the ultimate bounty counter

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                                      It's true what you say but if he don't get a nice roam going on he's very bad for the team to have pre level 6 and if he hugs a lane like the offlane he gets nothing if you buy sentries.


                                        i always run bh as roaming sup. he is one annoying hero which forces the foes to purchase dusts and sents lol


                                          But everyone, or at least most of the games, places 1 sentry mid and 1 sentry in stash for the midder, when BH is in enemy team. So he becomes pretty much useless against mid lane. So usualy, bh is left with zoning the enemy offlaner...


                                            thats why u buy 2 sentries as bounty hunter

                                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                              Beastmaster is honestly the real cancer. I haven't witnessed an offlane hero be so strong in any patch before, except pre-nerf Earth Spirit. It's just fucking insane how strong he is.

                                              курвата спира да е генгста

                                                I think bounty can be good, even if you play from behind, if you have a fight with 3 kills on both sides, bounty comes out with 1.5 k gold more, you can make mek, dagon, bkb, blink whatever and start looking for pickoffs. Global heroes complement him pretty good because you can solo roam then. If the enemy waste their money for detection, you can just stay back, farm some lanes, whatever. I want to say, that the early game is the most important for BH, if you can get track by 7-10 minutes as a roaming hero you can just start rotating to track people and kill the shit out of them. If they have non-tanky heroes, build dagon and go kill over 900 dmg in just one combo. If you are fighting a lot and can't pick off, build Mek and/or Guardian Greaves and Drums, don't let them kill your team. And fights are Bounty's best friend, the more, the merrier. Track here, track there; one team fight, 2k+ gold. And you don't even need to get last hits. I have won games with bouny with less last hits than kills and over 600GPM and it was not completely one sided. If you manage to make the right rotations, which is the most important thing, the map knowledge.

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                                                    im a 3k player and i really like the phase urn deso ac followed by divines rapiers build (the divine on invoker he got from me accidentallly hit nyx with carrapace 1 shot my self haha)