General Discussion

General DiscussionHaven't played sniper in 8 months!

Haven't played sniper in 8 months! in General Discussion

    So I haven't played him in a REALLY long time and I was wondering if he's any good nowadays, maybe suggest a build?
    I don't play against him often either, and I remember when he was picked almost every game and now he's dead lol

    Pale Mannie

      Pale Mannie

        He is too bad

        Dune, the Desert Planet

          Played him a handful of times recently:

          He's trash. I go RoA Phase Drums SnY Mjolnir Skadi MKB/Buriza. Sometimes I skip Drums. Dagger is really good. Skill wise: 0-2-1-0 into 0-2-4-1 into 4-2-4-2 is what I do. Seems good to me.


            That was Great video


              If sniper every gets buffed I will spam the shit out of him , love sniper he's just far to shitty to play right now .

              Dire Wolf

                He sucks don't play him. Every single popular hero shits on him, people gank mid a lot and he's so easy to kill, sven with blink and 1 shot him, spirit breaker always picked when you play him, or a bh will camp mid etc etc. He was overnerfed and doesn't fit meta. I miss him too, my favorite hero.