General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed a game analyst

Need a game analyst in General Discussion

    So I just recently started playing invoker because I want to learn a new hero that is good. I just wanted someone who is good at invoker to teach me the ways of invoker and tell me about any errors or bad things I do as invoker.


      i read untill the phrase "someone who is good at invoker", and im leaving the thread right now FeelsBadMan


        You don't have to be miracle- level to tell me how to play invoker.

        < blank >

          I'm gonna rofl-FeelsBadMan-copter out as well

          me, government hooker

            im not gonna watch ur replays but i suggest u dont buy eul unless they have a puck or some silence u want to dispel, but even then bkb is probably better. it gives u setup for ss meteor blast i guess ye btu the other items are better, blink > eul too


              Oh, I bought euls because I see a lot of invokers using it for the meteor sunstrike combo. I don't get blink because I'm new to invoker

              me, government hooker

                well in lower skill games u can get away with it i guess but i wouldnt buy it just for the combo


                  ppl stopped buying euls for combo since blast was nerfed