General Discussion

General DiscussionHow would you feel about an All Random or Single Draft ranked mode?

How would you feel about an All Random or Single Draft ranked mode? in General Discussion

    Personally I feel that AR and SD are some of the most fun and challenging modes. AR and SD eliminate hero spammers and allows players to experience the whole game, cause most people haven't played half of the heroes they game offers.

    Dieses Thema wurde geändert
    Dire Wolf

      I would never play it, you'd get screwed way too often. I do miss single draft though. Problem there is you get idiots who refuse to support and will always pick the carry, even if you end up with like PA, AM and medusa all on the same team.

      I also would like a random draft with not as many picks like normal RD. Picks were a lot more strategic then. Ranked RD is basically all pick minus a couple counters for OD and invoker.

      1UAN 1st PICK IDC

        I would quit dotes


          Both are good as long as the "meta" heroes are taken out of the pool. But for me single draft is better because you still have the ability to choose.


            All random no, unless they implement certain set of rules to "balance" the game. I know it is "all random" but playing 5 squishy int supports vs 5 str heroes is fun the first 3 minutes, not after.
            Single draft - absolutely. There is hardly any other mode which shows players completeness more. It should also have higher mmr reward, because imo choosing from 3 heroes and winning the game is more than spamming 1-2 "meta" heroes and abusing their imbalance.


              DEFINETELY NO TO BOTH lol

              Dire Wolf

                uh not really, usually whichever team actually picks a team will win cus you'll get like I said all those carries on one team and some ahole who picks like meepo over omniknight. So it's harded for one team, ez games for one team often.

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