General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestions on Lina (Lina Pickers come in pls)

Questions on Lina (Lina Pickers come in pls) in General Discussion

    Recently I learned Lina seriously and found out she's actually fun to play and wonder why I thought its hard to land stun.

    1.What's the difference of core and support Lina?
    I will go
    Magic wand
    Arcane boots into aether lanes

    And it's pretty optional after that.

    it might be bkb and hex.

    basically I couldn't find the difference between core and supp Lina.

    2.She has a point in a carry and it must be because of her passive....what Item to buy then? or just buy all intel based item?

    3. So this is BIG question... eul or dagger first?

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      eul before aether lens because the mana regen helps you farm
      dagger is optional, not needed
      aghs is always good as second item


        How bout mid tho?

        one syllable anglo-saxon

          On mid Lina you can get early phase boots after bottle and wand, put some points in your passive with 1 point in stun and just rightclick shit down, you sometimes don't even need to land your stun. Or max stun and go for treads. Then you go eul's into dagger(with eul's and laguna range nerf you need it in like 99% of games) into aghs(tho not 100% necessary) into bkb/linken's/ghost(eb)/hex/shiva's - if you don't need any of these to survive long enough you can go skadi, crit or mkb.

          Eul's>dagger because of mana regen and you don't put urself into danger that much when you initiate with it.

          Also always put at least 1 point in passive on lvl 2/4 on core Lina, esp. vs melee or short-ranged mids.


            my lina build : mjollinr - desolator - aghanime - octarine - Eul - arcane boots/or phase boots -
            sittuationnal : bkb - sphere - Orchid-refresher (+shiva guard+bloodstone+agh+boots+refresher+ather lens)


              With eul and brown boots I think its 380 movement speed so I dont think I need to upgrade thats why I rush to blink...what do u think about it?


                It is not all about the MOvement speed. But that is part of it. Vs mid meele or low range cores being able to trade 2-3 Hits on him for 1 makes that one POint Very valuable. Linas Q and W scales by +70 and +40 around that time. Where that one Extra point in the E allows you to get +50/+100 AND movement speed and right clicks are much more sustainable. That + the meele core will have to work that much harder to kill you with the extra movespeed.

                one syllable anglo-saxon

                  It's not about the movement speed, it's about +24 damage which is insane early with your passive and movement speed *burst* - that's if you go Phase. If you go Treads, you get a lot of mana efficiency from attribute switch + it gives you hp to survive early clashes - so you will farm better and die less, it's well worth the gold investment. Really not a fan of rushing stuff on core heroes over boots upgrades, all boots are super cost-efficient and make a real difference.

                  That's just playstyle thing most of the time though, eul's rush has it's benefits, though you will not get a fast eul's just by farming like you could in 6.85. If going brown boots into eul's works better for you personally then I don't see why would you opt for a build that gives you worse results.


                    Ye ye I know I would bang that bitch as well.

                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                      She would fucking fry you m8.

                      Professor Dog

                        Wards are the difference?


                          Crystal Squirt


                            Lina is the only hero that u can play as solo support and still get highest or second highest GPM.