General Discussion

General Discussionmax mmr u can calibrate today?

max mmr u can calibrate today? in General Discussion

    any thoughs?

    me, government hooker

      5k is the cap

      me, government hooker

        unless u abuse shit in which case u can get more


          its easier to climb to 5k than to calibrate at 5k

          im 5k and im absolutely certain if i were to make a smurf, i wouldn't calibrate at 5k


            idk about 5k, but you can calibrate 4k easily


              Kutu what did you calibrate at


                i think u cant get above 5k by abusing either, u only get weird TBD in the first calibration match, and drop to 4k immediatly afterwards


                  cool, i hope to get at least 4.4