General Discussion

General DiscussionQuas Wex or Quas Exort?

Quas Wex or Quas Exort? in General Discussion

    I've tried both but honestly can't decide which is the best to use. I think that Quas Wex is good for denying farm and securing early game, but Quas Exort is good for early on kills and pushing.


      quas wex invoker will always counter pretty much anybody as you always take all of their mana especially early game.
      quas exort is more fun thought because you get to ks with sunstrike, and its more manly

      great expectations

        qw s good against run at you lineups especially if they are strength based cos one emp and they become totally useless. its also more active early mid and slightly less farm dependent
        qe takes up more space, good if u have set up for sunstrike. its also more mechanically demanding. u also get to split push with it alot better
        best is based on lineups

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          Qe is more independent.

          Xctn. Hurricane-

            it depends on the user on how he uses Invoker in the game. I sometimes called Invoker a wexer cause i pick quas and wex where coldsnap and EMP is my combination. where as in the Exort type attribute, we can really get an easy kill on it but I want a killer with a high attack speed.


              I enjoy both cold snap emp and tornado emp.

              ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                wex exort:

                build: dagon5, blink dagger, shadow blade, 2x rapier, boots of travel

                Meat Spinner

                  Qw invo owns mid easily than qe ! And its totally enemy hero dependent that what kind of invo u have to play !


                    does anyone even play QW these days? cz i never see i.


                      QE is the best

                      ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                        I use WE because Q deals no damage.

                        Q sucks, why does everyone get Q?


                          explains your 25% win rate and 4 matches with invoker riki

                          ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                            I have a smurf just for playing Invoker with a 55% winrate)


                              There is no correct answer to this question. Its situational and invoker is a situational hero dependent on enemy team composition and your own team. Go whatever works best for your team in a fight.

                              ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                Exort Wex works for me.


                                  qwas wex for intel and str heroes... qwas exort for agi heroes... wex exort for Miracle and w33 players, dont push your luck...

                                  ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                    Wex exort for Phantom Riki too


                                      I don't play invoker so ayy lmao


                                        I'm just tired of seeing people in my matches play invoker in a way that accomplishes nothing, then checking on dotabuff to find that invoker is one of their most played heroes. When I do more hero damage while solo supporting than the solo mid, he'd better be destroying towers or some shit to make up for that. 2.9k qualms

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                                        黑人  Alpha Cure Mom

                                          quas exort is the best cuz early farm early push :)
                                          but if you're enemies are soft and int better go quas wex.