General Discussion

General DiscussionBuilding S&Y for legion

Building S&Y for legion in General Discussion
Swap Commends

    Is it good? I am trying this for a while and it seems good.
    My wr since I started this build : Here

    Sange status makes her more stable & a bit damage + maim.
    Yasha status gives her minor AS but great MS since legion is one of the heroes with good MS at the start.Also combine this with oo.Gives her a better chance to chase down enemy heroes.
    The idea is to make her a better right click.
    Imo,its much better than rushing deso.

    Farming Simulator

      In your bracket you could build dagon on her and still win

      Swap Commends

        ^ can't u smurfers give smth productive beside nonsense?


          s&y is the ultimate chasing item, but legion doesnt really need chase more than she needs items to win duels.

          its an ok item on her but deso is definitely better after blink or blademail.

          Oov is good because she wont have blink in lane. shes insanely good at beating up a lone support that gets too close but once you have blink you probably wont be chasing too much, just farming heroes.

          Fee Too Pee

            VHS Legi with 70 percent winrate here
            armlet and naked bracer offlane for her is OP as fuck i suggest u try it. after that dagger as usual

            黑人  Alpha Cure Mom

              I think its just a waste of inventory and gold.
              Better go dagger blademail and desolator.


                It's good.

                Fee Too Pee

                  the extra str + mov speed is welcome for LC . if u want more manfight than duels victory why not all situational. more viable on offlane build thou

                  Swap Commends

                    @k!dd Dagger + Baldemail is my early items for sure.I usually make them <15.I am talking about next items.

                    Fee Too Pee

                      bkb and deso / if no disable go straight cuiras

                      Miku Plays

                        s&y good in theory for lc, but there are better options for her as she needs a blink/shadowblade ( ~3k gold ) but it all depends on whats happening in game, but usually its either deso, blademail, or bkb after blink.

                        Fee Too Pee

                          try armlet mate believe me


                            sny is really good with shadow blade as well...

                            Fee Too Pee

                              shadow blade most of the time is a no no. simply because with 2800 gold its just offer very little , garbage stats , not reliable initiation , too long to farm as legion commander must fight aggresive to shine


                                Blink owns shadow blade on legion hands down


                                  if you are core legion, you can definitly skip dagger / sb, and just go full tank with sy skady cuirasse, you will land your ultimate in fight, AND you will not be useless when not using duel

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                                  Dire Wolf

                                    It's good but there's better items. Think about what s&y provides, it's movespeed/anti chase with maim, attack speed, hp, a little dmg.

                                    LC doesn't need move speed cus of Q, her dispel and blink/shadowblade. That's plenty for positioning.

                                    LC doesn't need anti chase cus of Q and duel.

                                    AC is better for attack speed and ehp.

                                    BKB is often needed and will fulfill your hp requirements.

                                    Dmg a lot of items are better. Armlet is like the most cost efficient str dmg item and I love it on LC. Deso just destroys people in duels. Basher into abyssal will give you needed lockdown at times.

                                    So is it bad? No, but there's better stuff to get instead. S&y is more for stat hungry heroes like medusa and jug or heroes who want move speed like troll, jug.