General Discussion

General Discussionlooking for a team

looking for a team in General Discussion
White Man Came

    if anyone is searching for a member, i will gladly play any role

    6,7~ hours of dota 2


      Bruh i think you should join my -500 mmr team


        nearly 7k horus of dota and 3k? FeelsBadMan


          this reminds me of people who played dota 1, sit at 2k mmr and act like they are insanely good at the game


            Let me remind you that 3.000 MMR = better than 88% of all Dota 2 players.

            Just saying in case you keep forgetting and think 3k mmr = shit and 6k mmr = limit of decency.

            But it will be useless anyway.


              i think 7000 hours in dota is more than 99% of players

              Lucius Artorius Castus

                Hello everyone. My team Monsters at the House (MATH), is looking for 2 patches for our team, and why not core members. We have an upcoming tournament of $1,000 prize pool. Our first game would be April 9th so if anyone is interested just give me a touch. GLHF!


                  ^^^ That's some outdated shit. 3k is like average mmr 2.5 - 3.5 should be where most people are playing. Maybe 4.3k+ is like 10%.

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                    4.3k is way less than 10%. 3.7k is less than 10% percentile as well.
                    ~11% of matches are played in vhs, and all the players in this bracket play way, way more games per week than an average normal skill player.