General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to get your teammates to push in low skill games?

How to get your teammates to push in low skill games? in General Discussion

    How do you do it? I need to work on team communication in pushing. Check my dotabuff if you want to see my stats and get an idea.


      Usually asking your team to gather up and push works if they're normal people. Someone might say that they're almost at a big item in which case wait for them to get that then ask again. If they don't respond just go to whichever lane has the most teammates and ping the enemy tower a couple of times then say "lets push"
      If your team is AFK jungling and doesn't respond to you saying things then you're kinda screwed.

      ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

        If they don't help you, you gotta give them an incentive to help you.

        Buying 1 or 2 rapiers help with this.


          killl yourself

          Livin' Real Good

            They hardly ever push in low 4K games (where I'm at) so it's even rare-er down there, best you can do is be nice to them, and ask nicely, and don't spam chat wheel, there's literally nothing you can do or say that will magically make them willing to push everytime, it's Dota. Even when people wipe an entire team sometimes they still don't push, that's dota.

            King of Low Prio

              I tell them I'm walking down mid with courier and of you want your items you best come


                Be friendly and active in chat from the start. Constantly say all mid, all top etc. Believe me they'll follow unless you were being flamed!!

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                  or play heroes that push solo good if teammates never come. Zeus with mom, ac, mjollnir and mbk moonshard is good for taking towers


                    Zeus desolater is the best pusher in the game.