General Discussion

General Discussionhow not to sven

how not to sven in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Seriously, storm hammer, stats, storm hammer, stats, has no clue how to use blink, aghs over daedulus. Best part is he flammed me for feeding when we kept dying cus he wouldn't blink into fights but would run up without warcry cus he hadn't spec'd it. Fucking retards. Almost cost us the game.

    bum farto

      Almost cost us the game.

      But he didn't that's what's important. Shit game, who cares, go next. Don't let this stuff get to you, or effect you.

      WK is really fucking good but your build isn't all that great. Play like 100+ games of him and become amazing. I believe.

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        ^Well with farmed WK and SF on Team Aga is not the worst choice...


 My sven is worse than that (Almost have no participation in any killing)


            agahs was way better than daedalus or which other item you might think


              why not u join him, build aghs too lol. i watched on ytube and try aghs wk, seemsgood

              Dire Wolf

                what's wrong with my wk build?

                It only bugs me cus I was feeding, trying to be aggressive and shut spec down, and sven was so fucking passive even after our aggression got him like 20 mins of free farm.


                  Balanced little ghost is broken since forever. Its just now that ppl realise it. Spectre always sat arround 60% winrate. The only difference is, that she is picked often now.


                    It seems like you guys wrecked. How did he almost cost you the game?

                    Dire Wolf

                      It was like 14-14 until sf blew everybody up with one massive ult and snowballed out of control. I'm exaggerating a little but other team certainly had time to make a comeback, good thing their spectre sucked too.

                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        Aghs is actually very good that game, you have three heavy cores and also a Silencer.


                          if the pros dont build it its shit Kappa


                            double damage overated boys !


                              I'm like the guy that never reads patch notes, only for fav heroes Kappa what does sven aghs do? xD

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                                Makes team strong


                                  It grants 75/100/125% bonus damage to all allies in 900 radius. Try to immagine sf wk and silencer with double damage, then give them a little more damage and that's sven's aghs for you.


                                    LMAO GoodShit

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      ok so aghs is good I'll rush it next time damn

                                      but still his talent choices? and no clue how to blink into a fight/initiate.


                                        thats why ur stuck below 4k
                                        who cares about things other people do, really. also you admitted that spec was also shit, so who cares?
                                        just focus on your own shit

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                                          pick sven before your noob teammates can and beat the shit outta them 6k OD spammers.


                                          Edit: sven ags almost never worth it since sven is slot-starved. maybe 8 slot after moonshard if you have an alch??

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