General Discussion

General DiscussionEziest rampage of mi life

Eziest rampage of mi life in General Discussion

    OD needs a nerf pls
    like really maybe decreased intel steal

    sopa en mi yolk

      It's not like I see OD rampages every single day....
      If that thing gets 200+ views, there's gonna be a + next to my name


        that minimap position got me sick


          i n x 4 c =, the mini on right feels more comfortable for me, it being on the left makes me sick.


            Was also like the worst rampage I've ever seen lol


              i n x 4 c, i know this, i mean its OD??? Did you expect godly rampage. Its EZ


                OD is balanced,(52%wr) he deserved to be in meta. So don't u even think of nerfibg him!!!


                  rampage with od is pretty ez ... i hv tried my mates all dead n i solo go def lane 1v5 .. rampage, anyway i still lose the game ... carry is not carrying that game


                    You people are dumb as f***. OD was always great hero, always OPed, why suddenly u started bitching about it?
                    Its good balanced hero, that also gots its counters like PUGNA for example. Learn playing in ranked matches or gtfo back to pubs.

                    kunst 2

                      Pick normal skill > Pick duza > farm a bit > "A"+"Right click enemy base" > probably rampage