General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is my team captain's drafting in this game focus on?

What is my team captain's drafting in this game focus on? in General Discussion

    At first I and my teammates think that the captain is retarded to draft like that but it turn out later that we all are able to work well with each other and my team finally crushed the opposite team in 47th minutes

    "REPORT CAPTAIN PLZ" Gloria Arroyo (Captain) after we got megacreep


      hello gays
      pleas don`t waste my time okay?


        Then screw off so that you won't had to waste your own time okay?


          I dunno the dire makes much more sense...did he communicate with the team? Seems like ur team are good for ganking and split pushing.


            Our captain don't communicate with the team during draft phase but he start communicating a lot from mid-game till late-game.


              Y'all probs just outplayed them instead of out drafted thm

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