if their announcement says that ap is down for a few days, then it is actually down for a few days, i suppose.
Im pretty sure OP posted in another thread saying Valve only listens to Reddit but most of Reddit I saw are hoping its added back asap.
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Its very simple.People used to spam heroes,pick some heroes from their limited pool due to lack of game adapting skills.
Won this :
Enemy team retarded.Picking wk after I pick OD.
Lost these :
My team pick their lowest wr heroes in RD mode.Furion buying shadow blade after midas vs zeus.Also most of them have -50% wr in ranked.
Slark rage quits Bcuz he can't adapt.Look carefully at his skill build.
conclusion :
This era of Dota2 truely shows who can adapt & who can not.Tbh,If this continues,lots of ppl will fall down (it also can be me or u).
Sadly most can not adapt & they will show the retarded part of their skills.
Honestly,this doesn't feel good.