General Discussion

General DiscussionMmr Calibration

Mmr Calibration in General Discussion

    Guys izit true tat ur mmr for 1st ranked tbd is based on ur recent games. I hav been losing alot lately. I'm currently sitting at lvl 49 experience trophy. Should wait until I hav a decent performance on my 10 latest unranked games then only calibrate or wad?

    Mors tua vita mea

      Yes, but in tbd matches you can change your mmr for 1k mmr points

      Meat Spinner

        I think u shud calibrate
        No one exactly know how it works ! and I guess its wrong assumption ! Get ur mmr


          I don wanna get the same mmr as Phantom Riki


            @Sick touch y is ur skill level changing all the time.

            Ai Spik Inglis

              You have many very high are good..gud luck..make it 4k++


                I have same MMR as phantom riki ;( ... Should I delete Dota??


                  during the first 10 games of your new account, you will be give a hidden mmr. this will put you in a skill bracket (VHS, HS, NS)

                  system then makes you get to level 50 trophy, to gauge if you are legit in the bracket you were put in. if you dont get owned in your bracket, you will stay there. Calibration games doesnt matter much.