General Discussion

General DiscussionHotkeys

Hotkeys in General Discussion
Sleight of My Fist In You...

    been playing for 9 months now and recently ive been having severe keyboard issues as im taking on heroes that need more microing and with more abilities like earth spirit brew invo

    plus in general im having co ordination problems with more than 4 active items in my slots

    additionally throw in control groups and your stop move keys + cour control keys

    the entire package and the logic behind your placements


      My hotkeys for every hero are the default QWER DF (for sub abilities) (Courier follows these as well)

      Lower half of the keyboard is reserved for items ZXCVB Spacebar

      Numbers on top are reserved for control groups (microing)

      F keys for select hero/select other units/select all units/select courier keys

      I have normal M/A/S keys and 6, 7 and 8 are used for glyph and instant item buy and tp buy (but this might change when i come back due to new camera control options)

      Mine is designed to have only my left hand moving since I don't have more buttons on my mouse. (Actually, I do but I'm not used to using them).

      You should experiment around and find what's comfortable for you. I patterned mine after Aui and Akke's hotkeys since they micro a lot (and have videos showing hotkeys and stuff). Just find out what works for you

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        I have basic skills hotkeys
        Control groups: 1-5+y,c,v
        ^ quickbuy
        F1-f3 cour
        Itmes: alt Q,
        And the basic stuff (stop at s,attck at a,etc.)
        Right now im trying to get used to to switch the control groups with the mouse wheel


          My Controls are
          WASD: Camera
          ZXCVBN: Items
          Spacebar: relocate to your hero
          123456: ablities
          QERF: control groups (Other meepos)
          Tab: open shop
          T: Force attack


            Is the WASD camera thing just a legacy habit or are there pros and cons to it vs edge panning and camera grip? Just seems like it uses a lot of keys that could be used for other stuff.

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              qwedfr for skills
              as for attack stop
              zxcvb space for items
              tab for switching betewn units
              caps for putting points into skills
              123 - hero, all other units, all units
              4 - courier
              f1 f2 - courier gif items, speed
              f3 f4 - quicl buy, buy tp

              and some other useless shit i forgot about


                I agree I use a gaming mouse with 6 side buttons and make them my quickcast for 4 active items and a quickcast d and insta buy

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