General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy does Techies exist??

Why does Techies exist?? in General Discussion

    Stupid hero, making games hell and each player's live as miserably as possible. I really hope this hero gets fucking deleted from this game


      yea man , once i saw technies in my game ... happy losing , some even don plant bomb n pure farm on lane using his bomb like he gonna carry us ... wth

      Teamwork is the key
        Techies was useful because he doesn't make enemies break the high ground and buy some time for the team,think about their spectre,the more time pass the more she got strong. Techies can even push okay planting landmines on enemy towers
        Btw you are crying about it but CM has an agh but no gem,nice -25 bro

        The Joker

          Buy sentry ward, damnit.


            I bought a gem very early in the game (around 20-30 min). I had 4 deaths. I spent most of the game with the gem. But it was impossible to break highground because there was both a Teches AND a Pudge. This is the worst thing ever. Eventually the other team just got stronger and won the game. I lost the gem in the very end.


              This is How I feel when ppl say they hate Techies.


              Techies is great fun yo...
              Ez first blood..
              Ez making game longer and make space for your


                I'm not saying he's a bad hero per se, although a lot of people can't play him well, but regardless of his viability, I think he makes the game less fun. It might be fun for him, but it's less fun for the other 9 players.


                  Techies can combo with many hero.


                    If you think techies has to be played only walking around planting mines in order to get kills, well, you never saw a good techies player.


                      Techies destroys the fun of a game. At Magic: The gathering I dislike mono blue oder blue/white. So this goes for techies too.


                        why wouldn't techies exist?
                        why do you exist?

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                          i vote for techies to be deleted from the game
                          and arc warden

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                            Yeah, Techies is hard to play against, if you're dumb. It's actually one of the most fun heroes to play with, if you know what you're doing. Also, it provides much map control. There is no reason to remove it from the game. It's not imba. It's just fine. A good playing carrying a gem/necro 3/properly warding can easily counter him. If you're playing support, you must spend all of your money on sentry wards on early stages of the game and you'll be fine.