General Discussion

General DiscussionCrystal Maiden

Crystal Maiden in General Discussion

    In 2 of my ranked games yesterday, we had one CM (me) and another game, some1 wanted to pick CM, but Invoker told him that she is the worst hero in this patch and that he shouldn't dare picking her. Is she rly that bad? I thought her to be one of the best supports this patch, cuz she also stays rather useful without much farm as solo support, also her skills are quite effective and ult allows with correct positioning for easy kills in teamfights. What is worst about her, i think, is that if she gets too far behind she just immediatly dies in all teamfights (that's ok with me though, when wr uses her ult on me, and can't burst down slark anymore :D)
    Opinions on cm?




        in current meta, there are a lot of stunners, so you need at least dagger + bkb to be useful with your ulti. Without items you are paper and you become easy kill for meta carries.
        CM is good, but you need at least some farm.


          good support but rly needs items also isnt rly useful in lane solo sup maiden is horrible


            She is good only versus enemy chen/enc, and when your team have one other support, and your team rly need mp reg.

            Zorthax Dorn

              CM is extremely viable. You'd never pick her vs say a clinkz or bounty hunter etc (if possible). Build utility, stop trying to get bkbs and aghs for her ultimate, it is not worth the amount of gold.

              Get a blink, force staff, anthers, lotus, glimmer Cape. Literally anything utility for yourself or your team and she is extremely difficult to handle (especially vs melee carries) as frostbite + Nova let's you counter every melee carry before bkbs.

              She should start in jungle, can level level 2 before 1 minute mark then proceed to maintain levels from lane harass or the occasional jungle camp. I find she works best in a tri-lane (safe or aggro) usually another support with a skill shot disable (Lina, AA etc) or heavy lock down (lion/shadow shaman etc) and a carry with heavy damage potential early (gyro, jugg, Sven tiny etc) or a carry with another hard disable (slark, Sven etc).

              Do not sit in lane and leech exp, if you can't get a kill on the offlaner or correctly zone him because he is on tower, smoke gank mid or stack the jungle, if timers are off, proceed to farm the largest camps with frostbite. It will keep your carry and yourself farmed gold and exp wise.


                According to her winrate she is never the worst hero of any patch. I don't play her myself but I always feel like it's ok when we have a CM in our team but at the same time not really bothered at all if the enemy has CM either so it's not a scary pick imo, but never really a bad pick either, at least in my bracket 3.5.

                Good in trilane because she can't really zone solo vs any offlaner very well either. But if you have a more agressive support in lane to babysit the carry and CM go jungle with frostbite and gank offlaner and mid that can be good.

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                  My bracket is 1.4k so this probably won't mean much. Ether way CM is a solid pick when she is the farming support, with items like Glimmer-Blink-BKB you can do a lot with the ult. Although A solid 5 support is gust going to feed no survive ability no big plays, gust like a Pugna, only Pugna can contribute more to the fight with nether ward. CM gust get's one shot to easily after 30 min or so. Better to pick a position 5 Dazzel, Disruptor, Abadon.


                    Cm is good but positioning on her is extremely crucial. She is not really a support for beginners despite what a lot of people think. Also, you have to play with her strengths. She is a great early roamer/ganker, but I see a lot of people afk jungle farm with her in the lower brackets.

                    milk that tastes like rea...

                      it's fun to build zero hp and go full utility and make plays, because enemies always want to try kill a 700 hp cm

                      Professor Dog

                        People who pick cm are disgusting I hate them all