General Discussion

General DiscussionSo Trump rallies are fun, eh? (a solemn request)

So Trump rallies are fun, eh? (a solemn request) in General Discussion

    I find it funny that people are still supporting him after all that bullshit he has said.
    Let me tell you this, this is a giant IQ test for you Americans, if you all elect him as president, we'll know exactly where your intelligence stands (close to nothing i.e.)
    What hurts me is that I see people getting harassed/beaten up by Trump's supports and people and it is inherently because Trump himself incites violence and encourages people to beat protestors.
    I was wondering if any of you might be voting for Trump so that I can try and change your mind.
    I live in India but trust me, I'm feeling his hate.


      If he gets prezident then my electric Mexican will get removed from Dota

      lm ao

        Amerilards eat too much burger the flouride content in it leads to the mass-scale degeneration of social human functions so the reptilians led by trump can still hold america by a leash on the neck. Thats why im no eat burgerino even though the fucking Gubbmint force me do so

        Pls spred msg guis dont let bran dmge control humanito

        ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

          I don't even think of Trump as a serious candidate, it's sad that there are people who not only do, but would vote for him.

          A lot of his supporters say "Trump is an honest candidate who speaks his mind." No. Bernie is an honest candidate who speaks his mind. In my opinion, Trump's just spewing hate, and that's different from just being honest and speaking your mind.


            It's not surprising that people who regurgitates mainstream liberal media's talking points about Trump are sub-50% winrate Normal Skillers.

            "Let me tell you this, this is a giant IQ test for you Americans, if you all elect him as president, we'll know exactly where your intelligence stands (close to nothing i.e.)"
            And what exactly does this prove? The Americans are voting for their own livelihoods, they are not voting to seek validation from 3rd worlders with an inferiority complex. Btw, learn to poo in a loo.

            Anyway, this thread isn't even Dota-related. Will get closed soon.


              Anyway, this thread isn't even Dota-related. Will get closed soon.

              ayy lmao


                no country ever was influenced by USA so why should they say anything about the elections

                Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                  Anyway, this thread isn't even Dota-related. Will get closed soon.

                  wut? I think you're confusing us with /r/dota2.

                  Dire Wolf

                    rofl you sheep, have you read anything about the protesters that got attacked? They incited the violence. One guy was wearing a shirt with ku klux klan and nazi symbols on it and a black guy punched him in the face. Can you imagine if someone went to a black lives matter rally wearing that? They'd be dead, not just punched. Have you seen the mexican protesters stomping on american flags?

                    I don't condone violence but the protesters are inciting it, not trump. If people just ignored him he would go away, but they're like moths to a flame, they are afraid of his message.

                    And by the way I think trump sucks and would be a terrible president for the record. But the media backlash and portrayal of him is absurd.


                      yep who doesn't want a 30 feet wall worth 26$ billion at the mexican border to prevent illegals when you can just buy a 31 feet ladder.


                      sorry, but if you're gonna insult, then you can fuck right off my lawn.

                      Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                        idk what you're talking about dire wolf but i've watched trump supporters and campaign managers and even his personal police beat up protesters/sucker punch them.

                        maybe you're talking about the rallies in which case it's completely fair imo, he sucks and he should not be allowed to spread hate.

                        Dire Wolf

                          I think he's rude and not conservative at all and has zero policy plans which is why I won't support him, but I don't think he's a hatemonger. I feel the left is far more divisive and full of hate speech, they just do it very passive aggressively so no one runs with it especially since the media is largely on their side.


                            I don't condone violence but the protesters are inciting it, not trump.

                            ... really?

                            if you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of 'em, would you? Seriously. Okay? Just knock the hell — I promise you, I will pay for the legal fees. I promise. I promise.


                            Get him out. Try not to hurt him. If you do I’ll defend you in court.


                            See, in the good old days this didn’t use to happen, because they used to treat them very rough. We’ve become very weak.


                            Trump has repeatedly glorified violence, has said that protestors deserve to be assaulted, has literally promised to defend people in court for assaulting protestors.

                            more here:

                            like him or hate him, there is no argument to be had: Trump encourages violence. He may say the words "I do not condone violence", but when you literally tell people "knock the crap out of 'em", the evidence is crystal clear.

                            King of Low Prio

                              Passive aggressive hatemonger........ I think Direwolf is trying to sound intelligent but failing miserably. I don't understand where this false narrative that the media is left leaning(the only progressive ones are comedy shows). Huffington Post is basically a feminist blog pretending to be news.


                                OP, you are SADLY MISTAKEN if you believe that there aren't MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of Americans who absolutely hate Trump and can't even believe anyone is voting for him. I've never met a Trump supporter and everyone I meet anywhere / in college hates Trump.

                                Trump gets his votes from the retarded Americans who are afraid of Muslims because of the terror attacks on 9/11, so they want him to be in charge so we expand our military and spend more money on it.

                                These people who support trump are mainly from states that don't have big cities. The biggest most important places in USA like NYC, MIAMI , LA , CHICAGO, most people from places like that HATE TRUMP..

                                People who like Trump are usually white racist retards or just completely ignorant to realities of our Politics and the role big business plays in corrupting our government for private profits that put our country in debt to private companies and much worse.

                                My point is the majority of Americans don't like Trump but many people don't vote and since the Media is owned by corporations people are not aware of a lot of things they need to be aware of to make informed decisions on who should be the leaders of America

                                Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                  Trump gets his votes from the retarded Americans who are afraid of Muslims because of the terror attacks on 9/11

                                  not really. his base is mostly working class uneducated whites that have suffered economically in America's transition from a manufacturing to a service economy.

                                  The biggest most important places in USA like NYC, MIAMI , LA , CHICAGO, most people from places like that HATE TRUMP.

                                  yeah I live in NYC and I can assure you we have our fair share of hateful, intolerant people. I've definitely talked to people in New York that are as intolerant as they come.

                                  retards in places like ALABAMA KENTUCKY WYOMING , States like those that NO ONE GIVES A FUCK ABOUT, where they are mostly OVERWEIGHT and have no IMPORTANT CITIES, They are the ones who LOVE TRUMP.

                                  oy. no.

                                  this is the kind of divisive politics that demagogues like Trump feed on. A house divided against itself cannot stand. Also grossly against the policies against geographic hatred.

                                  Pale Mannie

                                    Give me a small loan of a million mmr


                                      @Dire Wolf, I agree the media is blowing up Donald Trump too much and people should ignore him. HOW EVER.. you cannot deny the tension within America. You shouldn't forget how many protesters were at the Occupy Movements. Living in NYC I saw HUNDEREDS of Thousands of Americans gathering and spending days in freezing temperatures to protest peacefully. Most of these Americans were college students. America has tension because the people are realizing THE TRUTH


                                      People are waking up, and they are mad.

                                      A racist guy potentially being PRESIDENT pisses off ALOT OF PEOPLE. There are people in America who's ancestors were enslaved, raped, murdered, you cannot go on television saying negative things about the immigrants and the foreign people who work hard and helped build this country.


                                        @scraps I know I may have over generalized but im saying the majority of the people who are ignorant when it comes to politics are mainly from states like that are mostly white and over weight this is just the reality.

                                        Most people who vote for trump are veterans who believe in keeping our country to our selves and want bigger military, racists, or just plain ignorant about the reality of the way politics are ran in America

                                        I lived in nyc for 16 years in manhattan so I k what you mean of course u have trump lovers but the majority of people would never vote for trump, most of them just don't vote at all.


                                          anyway im done talkin on this thread the CIA might be spying on me now XD kappa


                                            Go back to reddit for your Bernie circlejerk, dude free shit lmao.

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              "A racist guy potentially being PRESIDENT pisses off ALOT OF PEOPLE. There are people in America who's ancestors were enslaved, raped, murdered, you cannot go on television saying negative things about the immigrants and the foreign people who work hard and helped build this country."

                                              You mean like we have now? Obama says inflammatory stuff all the time like he could've been my son, or you didn't build your company, so on and so forth.

                                              You're exactly what I was talking about dividing the country into white working class people vs everyone else. It's pathetic.

                                              King of Low Prio

                                                Obama is a moderate, you have to have a grade school education to think he is decisive

                                                King of Low Prio

                                                  Saying that the kid did not need to be shot is not making it white vs black it is you choosing my side vs theirs. I dunno most Americans are racist as fuk so I guess I can't expect them to understand shooting children is wrong even if they don't share similar skin pigmentation

                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                    Shocking concept I know

                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                      I think you mean divisive and he's moderate politically but what he says is still pretty racially tinged at times. Which is not really that surprising, his race is like the elephant in the room, you can't ignore he's the first black president and is going to be outspoken about racial issues.

                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                        I didn't say anything about the case, and that zimmerman guy has later revealed himself to be a giant piece of shit, but for the president to comment on the narrative without facts of the case and turn it into race is pretty pathetic. Obama wouldn't have said what he said if the kid was white, that's the point. Obama did not say something like no kid should be shot, fear is a poor excuse, he said he could've been my son ie NOTICE HIS SKIN COLOR and implying a racial motive ie race baiting. A president shouldn't comment on open cases in that manner, it's inappropriate. He should just offer condolences and say we have a violence problem blah blah generic stuff.

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                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                          Yea I'm at work the dumb auto correct on my phone is getting in the way. I don't get what you want him to do? Pretend like the US isn't a cesspool of racism or address it?


                                                            if bernie wins do i get free mmr?

                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                              He was addressing the fact that ANY black kid in that situation would have ended up dead when you live in a country as racist as the US that leads to fear of the other. Even if everything Zimmerman said was true(he's a massive liar) you can not tell me a white kid would have been stalked and executed like that.


                                                                Wow, so many people do actually care about who will be next USA president...


                                                                  Idk if you're stupid, but US decisions have repercussions on most (all) countries of the world.


                                                                    Yeah OP, but India already failed its IQ test so maybe you're not the one to talk. :,D



                                                                      *clap clap clap*
                                                                      The fact that you generalised immediately lets everyone know how stupid you are. :)


                                                                        "The fact that you generalised immediately le...."

                                                                        Idk mate i think this map just about sums up why getting Peruvians on your team is GG. Probably same shit when Indians get on China servers.

                                                                          Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt

                                                                            which policies?

                                                                            trump has three major policies that I'm aware of: the wall, deport illegal immigrants, and bring manufacturing jobs back to america. All three are ... poorly conceived.

                                                                            build a wall between the US and Mexico. More than half of all undocumented immigrants come over legally and just overstay their visas. Mostly they just do what everyone else does when they want to travel: get on a plane. The wall as described would be ridiculously expensive to build and maintain, and Mexico has said repeatedly that they won't pay for it. There's very little evidence that a wall would be effective in handling immigration problems.

                                                                            deport all 11m illegal immigrants. How much would that cost? Estimates vary, but they're consistently huge, and consistently in excess of several hundred billion dollars.

                                                                            not to mention that a lot of those people have relatives that are legal, voting citizens. Oh and, you know, the whole thing where you're tearing apart millions of families and eliminating millions of people from the work force. It's a pretty major human rights violation to begin with, but even if it weren't, it's not a particularly well-conceived plan.

                                                                            bring manufacturing jobs back to the US. That'll never happen, because so much of manufacturing is automated now. You would have to impose anti-automation regulations to bring America back to where it was in terms of manufacturing employment.


                                                                            his wifes hispanic and so on.

                                                                            Melania is Slovenian. That's ... not hispanic.

                                                                            Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                              Hahaha US politics. Hahaha.

                                                                              ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!
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                                                                                Venus, MBA

                                                                                  I don't really take trump as a serious candidate, but you don't ever hear of his supporters trying to physically hear their talks.


                                                                                    Trump is a bigoted, short sighted moron. He's a terrible businessman, having lost more of his inheritance than he's made. He has no clear policies on anything, other than vaguely alluding to the way things might be (and by the way, the things he HAS alluded to are incredibly ominous.). He's a hate monger, feeding off of the ignorant rage of the uneducated masses. Not to mention, the guy wants to fuck his own daughter by his own admission.

                                                                                    Clinton is corrupt. She has that exact same glazed look in her eyes that every middle aged secretary I've ever dealt with has that says "I just want to coast. Please don't make me do work." Her husband endorses her (whom by the way was impeached, yes, we should clearly trust this person as president.). She says she wants to enact liberal policies, but her actual opinions on them are surprisingly conservative.

                                                                                    The only -good- candidate is Bernie. A genuinely good man, the first in decades, that wants to fix real problems and has the potential power to do so. Unfortunately, he's practically already lost due to Clinton having "friends" in the established democratic party (a joke of a system, by the way.)

                                                                                    I've been hoping for a big "JK" on behalf of the media, whom will proceed to produce the actual presidential candidates.

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                                                                                        read the article I linked wrt manufacturing jobs.

                                                                                        in recent years, factories have been coming back, but the jobs haven’t. Because of rising wages in China, the need for shorter supply chains and other factors, a small but growing group of companies are shifting production back to the U.S. But the factories they build here are heavily automated, employing a small fraction of the workers they would have a generation ago. ...

                                                                                        Since the recession ended in 2009, manufacturing output — the value of all the goods that U.S. factories produce, adjusted for inflation — has risen by more than 20 percent, because of a combination of “reshoring” and increased domestic demand. But manufacturing employment is up just 5 percent. And much of that job growth represents a rebound from the recession, not a sustainable trend.

                                                                                        the short of it is that we will never bring those jobs back, even if we bring the factories back, because when those jobs left the US, we did not have robots, but now we do.

                                                                                        Manufacturers are leaving China on their own because wages in China are growing. They're coming back to the US because in a lot of cases it's actually cheaper to manufacture in the US. But that means that they're building new factories. And what do you think new factories have in them? Robots.

                                                                                        You don't have to worry about immigrants or Chinese taking manufacturing jobs from you, because robots will take those manufacturing jobs from everyone.

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                                                                                          What is this thread doing on dotabuff?

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                                                                                              my face when there are people who legitimately call Colonel Harland Bernie "Free gibsmedat for Redditurds who spent student loan on art and sociology degrees" Sanders a good presidential candidate.

                                                                                              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                                How do elections work in the US? Do legal immigrants get to vote? If so, his whole campaign seems highly counterproductive.

                                                                                                Also, lol that map. If you fail to see that data is 10 years old and acknowledge it as useful for today, your IQ probably lies somewhere in the dark area.

                                                                                                lm ao

                                                                                                  Looooollllllzzzzzzzzzzzz china 101+ average IQ ahahajahajajahajahahajahahajahajahajahahahajahahahajajahahajahahajahahajahaja btfo 50 cent prc shill

                                                                                                  Also lets just fucking vote fucking barney sunder and fucking continue the fucking gubbmint status quo of loominaty aristocracy and taylor swift dude mexicano food delicioso af


                                                                                                    At this point, anyone else is acceptable, tbh.

                                                                                                    Idk what good qualities Trump might have, enlighten me Kitrak.

                                                                                                    Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                                                      Trump is the realist white nigga you'll ever meet. The most honest and manly presidential candidate. I mean cmon just look at Bernie he's almost bones already when he gets in a few month he'll be like the crypt-keeper in "Tales from the crypt".

                                                                                                      You know Trump isn't gonna kowtow to elite globalist, cuz he is one! lol. He's not gonna be a puppet like Sanders or Mrs. what does it matters?

                                                                                                      Even Putin rather haves Trump than any other candidate. As for the racist part he's only as racist as Ron Paul, who uphold not serving blacks in the south. He hires Mexicans and promotes Chinese people with his work. He doesn't hate black people just the lazy ones, lol.

                                                                                                      Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                                        Maybe stop drinking the liberal kool-aid and actually research trump's position? The man is the most moderate candidate of the Republican party, a party known for being conservative. But in the end, any frontrunner of the Repubs would have gotten attacked viciously by the left-dominated media. If Cruz had been the frontrunner you'd see media mocking him for being evangelical. And the Redditurds on this thread would post it this way "lmao if America elects a creationist into presidency we would know what your IQ is. Who needs a magic sky daddy and a book full of badly written fanfics? atheism ftw!!1 xDDDDDD"