General Discussion

General DiscussionPointless Aghanims

Pointless Aghanims in General Discussion

    Lets be honest both silencer's aghs and ODs are kinda awuful especially silencer since arcane curse no longer synergizes with global.


      silencer's ult with aghs is not something built to be damageful nimbwit; the point is to make people unable to blink out after they have been completely silenced so you can do one or two pickoffs


        Tusk Aghs...

        Hot Damn, Clarice

          Yeah honestly Silencer's aghs is so bad now. I hate the new arcane curse. No clear synergy. I take your point about disabling blinks and that is pretty good I'll admit but it's a 4000 gold item it should do more than that.

          The Joker

            Tusk Aghs did matter in TI5 all-star match...


              Puck's aghs is pretty bad because if you are buying it then it means you have a Puck on your team.

              Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                Tusk aghs is very situational. It can be very useful depends on enemy line up.

                Same with OD aghs build. If you cast it in a perfect way, example you caught bout 3-4 heroes, you just removed them temporarily in a clash, allow your teammates to repostion, and deals heavy damage on them. The +300 dmg bonus aghs upgrade dmg is painful especially to supports.

                There is no 'useless' aghanim upgrade imo


                  Sil aghs is pretty okay.

                  Tusk Aghs is downright stupid because it does no damage. Why not use forcestaff? Exact same job half the price and if you force him into you, you can ult for the slow.


                  It's cool and fun but argueing its viable is stupid. I'd rather my Tusk have a mek+force or glim+blink or someshit.

                  Shinn ♍

                    Drow ranger Aghs


                      Silencer? Not really. OD's is awful because they changed how Astral works.

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                        @ \(・ω・\)

                        It's funny because the Curse effect is paused while the enemy is silenced. AKA it only starts doing damage after the silence ends.

                        Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


                          Like I've said before, Tusk aghs upgrade is very situational. If your team require a disable and the enemy has a hard hitter like Troll or OD, its very useful. And the stats bonus from aghs is pretty good.

                          And btw, A walrus kick has a 900 knockback distance, 200 dmg, 40% slow in 4sec, stun for 1sec, with a generous 12sec cd. It pierce spell immunity just like his punch.

                          And there's a great combo for it: Blink or SB on an enemy hero on the opposite side, walrus kick it to your allies, as it getting pushed cast snowball right away, walrus punch, PROFIT.

                          It can also be a escape tool. A 900 push with slow plus stun is more than enough for you to escape.

                          Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                            can I ask you one question , how the skills of a very high skill sir ?
                            ty ^_^

                            [ALL HAIL THE TINY SNEK GOD]

                              Drow ranger aghs is great. It allows you to farm so fast and you destroy in teamfights only down side is sidetracking your items for 4.2k gold. It's op with an alche gifting though


                                can u translate ur question into normal english plz


                                  whether it can make me a very high skill


                                    @tripleslash guys can you add my account


                                      your personal skill makes you get Very High Skill bracket in your matches. play better and win games.

                                      no, i dont want to add you.

                                      lm ao

                                        Triplesteal- you are my new senpai
                                        Triple-senpai can u add me plis?

                                        my dick not be like like russian dick u are know to but i have big dick im show u plis ^_^
                                        im love u senpai Triple-sama
                                        dw im just normal skil but very "GOOD PLAYER"! )) i think i win ti if not my teammates bring down the good play


                                          Ewwwww, Tusk Agh sucks ass, man. Try it on NS and stuff please.


                                            Jug aghs is a waste


                                              sniper aghs is pretty good



                                                Yeah but when do you get it? I've played a fair amount of Tusk and there is never a situation where I'd think to myself 'if only I had aghs...". If you're a core tusk, you're never gonna touch this over other initiation/damage items.

                                                If you're a support Tusk, you're gonna opt for more versatile cheaper items (force/mek/blink/glimmer/solar/urn/whatever). Late game? If it comes to late game and my Tusk has excess money, I'd rather he get an hex for a ranged instant and much better disable than a slow. Or I'd rather he go core items like a heart or cuirass.

                                                That combo is basically an unreliable version of Batrider and pretty much psuedo pudge. Is there a purpose in going Tusk over these other heroes then? Not to mention to pull this off, you're trading of several cooldowns to MIMIC THE TWO HEROES I MENTIONED. Not to mention in the case of SB, they can cut it off with sentries/gem. In the case of blink, unlike batrider or other intiators, you have to blink BEHIND the person. Basically almost two hero spaces if you take into account the range of these skills. Thats like having 300 range cut off your blink. Yes, this is true. Go test it out.

                                                You don't really need a 4.2k unreliable escape tool where you kick ONE person away instead of just snowballing and blinking out.

                                                No, there is no reason whatsoever to ever get Aghs. You can get it for fun and it CAN work but there is no reason to get it.

                                                An example of a situational Aghs would be something like Pucks which gets a bkb piercing stun.



                                                  Pale Mannie

                                                    Aghs rush is the worst aghs


                                                      not on meepo

                                                      Pale Mannie

                                                        Rushing it from brown boots is bad


                                                          Silencer's aghs is now much worse than it used to be, but it's not totally useless if teamfights last very long. I wouldn't mind seeing a rework where Aghs no longer boosts the ult, but instead gives Silencer's Q the old mana DoT + the current effect or silencer's E the old disarm + the current effect. Either that, or make the ulti's silence pierce BKB.
                                                          OD's aghs still is useful in letting incoming teammates reposition for something like a black hole or epicenter, for example. I miss 6.85's OD Aghs + Refresher, though.

                                                          Tusk Aghs is pretty bad and needs to be reworked.

                                                          Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                            the ulti's silence already pierces bkb.


                                                              2 curse of the silent from silencer it's quite strong actually (but yeah definitly not close from silence + disable dager on cast like we used to have)

                                                              Od's agahs is really garbage, the only one that actually nerf the hero. The additional space in fight he gives by getting a true item instead of agahs is already better than the place given by banishing everyone in the aoe. (not to mention that you deal literally nothing if you use it as an engage, so you'd better have HUGE followup, like enigma with agahs to make use of it).

                                                              On the same way we have jugg's agahs, which is garbage if you are # 1-2, but somehow decent as a # 3-4.

                                                              (ps: tusk agahs is actually great. blink kick snowball the kicked guy, congratulation, you just made bat's job in better and safer.

                                                              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                and then there is sf's aghs


                                                                  I'd build Jugg Aghs against Spectre or Centaur or a really good Ursa / Bristle, but otherwise, no, it's really bad for #1/#2 Jugg.

                                                                  If SF changed his build to tank a bit more, couldn't he use his Aghs to bait enemies, then ult, and heal? Kind of like zeus with aghs / refresher / octarine?

                                                                  Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                    tripel senpie will you satack seea wit me


                                                                      i have ~400 ping on sea, its unplayable for me


                                                                        thx 4 heering me out triple snepie
                                                                        i also paly india dubai euw (200-250 ms on EUW/EUE)


                                                                          Tidehunter aghs if they add knockback its good
                                                                          Tusk aghs need rework
                                                                          Nevermore aghs dunno
                                                                          Bristleback aghs if against mega creeps i think it's fine

                                                                          Alchemist aghs useless on him Lmao

                                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                                            I'm not exactly sure how silencer aghs works, it says it pauses it while they are silenced so is it 6 ticks and then the normal 7 seconds? It that case it does at least 445 magic dmg which is pretty fucking impressive.


                                                                              no the effect is paused. it doesn't do damage and it doesn't count down either.


                                                                                is tide's agh viable or not
                                                                                i thought it's retarded but i've seen some high mmrs doing it so i don't really know


                                                                                  triplestool you are god player i see on u profile ? can add my acc ? i want ask u for coach me, ty .


                                                                                    it is. gush has a high uptime and a large aoe so it ends up doing a lot of damage in teamfights. compare it to shivas which is more expensive and harder to build up. you're going to get multiple gushes off in a fight as opposed to 1 shivas usage, and it also lowers armour.

                                                                                    makes you more effective when you don't have ravage / after you've used it.


                                                                                      One of my for ends fud it and it was pretty good (tide aghs)


                                                                                        *Dr ends


                                                                                          *friends fucking autocorrect


                                                                                            Shadow fiend

                                                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                                                              Oh then yeah I agree the silencer one is kinda shitty. I just think where you aghs be better than refresher for a second silencer or scythe for a hex? Not many places.

                                                                                              Has anyone gotten aghs on shadowfiend yet? It seems bad too.

                                                                                              Lifestealer's also I mean wtf? You leave a teamfight so he can heal you up? If it was like instant or a set duration before you reach full hp like 3 seconds or like Phoenix egg then it'd be good, but naix might just get kited or die or something.

                                                                                              Weaver and sven kind suffer from good utility aghs on carry heroes who will almost never build them. Svens would be amazing for like a 3 spot, dual offlane sven who goes into support items and becomes like a disabler/buffer with blink, ac, vlads, aghs, plus his stun and warcry. But sven is so often made a position 1 and he can't solo the offlane. And weaver same deal, he's going to do into his dmg routine like deso, daedulus, mkb, maybe even maelstrom.


                                                                                                Tinker aghs, Zeus aghs


                                                                                                Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                                                                  The SF aghanims upgrade is the most weirdest Aghanims upgrade among heroes imo (눈_눈)

                                                                                                  And btw, Kunkha's Ghost Ship is upgradable via Aghanims but it has missing tooltip.


                                                                                                    SF aghs is gud. What's not to love about casting your ult, it returns, you die, souls released. 3x requiems.