General Discussion

General Discussioncan't understand Skill Bracket

can't understand Skill Bracket in General Discussion
Wizard . SlayeR.

    Why if i create a smurf my first few games are normal bracket . Why the others on the first game its rate high skill. Valve's was wrong. This my example in first game placed at High skill - VHS.

    Dieses Thema wurde geändert
    Mr. Pickles

      U creating a smurf that email is linked to ur main account I guess


        idk man. I want 0 mmr so I'm playing liek shit but this foken game puts me into high skill. This game is so shieeeet.


          ^ true dat

          cant properly enjoy smurfing without getting placed into vfs in no time even while losing

          Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

            My smurf usually feeds with pudge like 0/10+/0 and after the game, it is still in vhs :(


              Because You are from SEA!


                u lose a lot in normal skill = you do not deserve to be higher = mm system places you at a correct place
                i dont understand whats supposed to be wrong here



                  Dude look at my profile why am i getting high skill matches? :(


                    ^why not?


                      It depends on if you play with your friends or not. Like when I play with my 3.7k MMR i am always in very high skill matches with him. But when I play with my 1.8K mmr friend I am in normal skill. I read that very high skill is around 3.7K and up. And high skill matches are above 3250 MMR. I know this from lots of experience being around 3k mmr I fall out of high skill if I go below 3.2 K mmr. But it depends on the overall mmr of the people you are partied up with. I hope this helps.