General Discussion

General DiscussionGuide for huskar 6.86 for u guys

Guide for huskar 6.86 for u guys in General Discussion
Fee Too Pee

    So. Let me get this straight. I see a lot people play badly with him and think he is a trash this patch just make me sad. Huskar is my favourite hero.

    So i share how i play him recently.

    Notes :
    63 % winrate huskar
    11 win streak huskar 6.86

    Early :
    Go mid or safe
    Buy brown boots + wand for mana problem
    Rush armlet < 10 minute

    If u mid or safe. literally stand next to creeps and orb walk bs to enemy and zone them. You out dps most enemy early. This secure free farm and ez denies. Keeping u on advantage

    Get heal lvl 4. Do not afraid when u got armlet early
    Oh u 1 vs 1 enemy when u have 100 health? Heal urself and pop that wand , toggle your armlet. And smash those enemies with ur sudddenly 700 hpish in surprise early

    Mid :
    Make dominator. Mask first. Huskar fast at farming with lifesteal and skill 2 at jungle boosting ur gold

    Complete ur boots into pt for extra stats.
    At this time u can farm ancient with armlet quick for ez gold

    Skill 3 + armlet damage give u high tower damage while u can tank front with team. And as huskar you need to end fast.

    Leave ulti at lvl one and max heal instead
    Get ogre ice and rosh lvl 11

    If u playing right u can get halberd around 24 minute. And towers already down leaving ur pos 1 at advantage.

    And basically u can even rax at 25ish

    Get cuiras and then satanic
    The armor is keeping ur ehp at low health. And skill 1 and 50 percent extra mgc resist at low health make you very tanky. Stop blaming the patch.

    Late :
    Basically no late game as huskar
    But if you do consider mkb for damage or agahnim for scaling late game.

    Oh yes do not fucking lifebreak suicide let them come or your team initiate .Teamfight

    Why bkb not core despite nerf?
    Your job is TANK THE DAMAGE FOR TEAM while killing them and let your , slark , sniper , etc free hit them.

    If there any question i will try answer it here

    If you do this guide. Post your recent match, i would like to see

    Ps : still need to 4th or 5th pick him


      Dragon Lance? Daedalus?

      Fee Too Pee

        @soultrap dragon lance ia kinda meh. I mean the gold better for rushing tank items and you lifebreak for chasing people anyway. And mkb since your steroid AS minibash but i never try daedalus myself and the game usually end with cuiras + satanic first anyway.


          Is there anything new? As far as i can see it is jist as it used to be. Aghs for scaling? I hate to say it but the hero got trashed hard last patch.

          Fee Too Pee

            50 percent max health at late game is very huge m8. And yea i admit the hero is more situasional now. I just want to point how to play him effective since skipping health early is baseball suicide now


              They just had to nerf him when they allowed oracle in CapMode. The combo is way stronger than the already op husk dazzle. Maybe when he gets a buff we will see husk oracle in pro.

              Fee Too Pee

                I would like see that. See a hero that just cannot die even suddenly full health sure frustating :)


                  @Fee Too Pee
                  But you said: "do not fucking lifebreak suicide let them come". So my first thought was - Dragon Lance.
                  You also said: "no late game as huskar". So my second thought was - Daedalus.

                  Fee Too Pee

                    @soultrap when they come and lifebrek them when u have backup. Idk man 120 range is not really appealing for huskar in my opinion. And my 2nd point still stands. A platemal or complete your halberd sooner is a huge advantage in tanking those damage. Extra range did not help your job : tanking

                    For daedalus. Maybe if no evasion get it for greater damage than mkb. U got a point in daedalus

                    Bad Intentions

                      OP, y u abandon last game :[[


                        With Dragon Lance you can cast your Burning Spears from 580 range, which basically moves you very close to 600 attack range heroes league.

                        Fee Too Pee

                          @badintentions lets just say i missclick pick invoker XD.

                          Fee Too Pee

                            Believe me , its rare to not near your enemy when teamfight as huskar. And u got a team that will stun , slow etc. Regardless, i will never list dragon lance as core , its situasional


                              Why bother with a 6.86 guide when this patch doesn't have that much time left?


                                Reworked Burning Spears in 6.87:

                                Fee Too Pee

                                  @[Lk].Zano really? thanks god i hope valve buff huskar a little
                                  @Soultrap JESUS CHRIST THAT IS SO LOUD. GGWP