General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat to read?

What to read? in General Discussion
Синячий патруль

    Ah, i forgot, its doto forum . U dont read books , sorree


      what kind of books do u prefer and how wide is your current background?

      < blank >

        Read mangas, 200+ pages full of "woosh, tab, pat ziip, boom, bzz"

        Dire Wolf

          Anything by Conn Iggulden. He has a series on Rome, one on Ghengis Khan and Kublai Khan. It's like adult historical fiction.

          I also like some star wars books but I'm not up on any of the new ones, but Heir to the Empire series is awesome, as are the original X-Wing series, I think the first four are good, the newer ones not as much. And there's a couple one off books that are sweet like Tales from Jabba's Palace and Tales of Bounty Hunters.

          Issac Asimov also writes some good stuff, Foundation series is pretty good, so is robot series (i Robot, Caves of Steel and couple others).

          Game of Thrones books are good but the problem is if you watched the show you know everything that's going to happen and they get boring lol.


            currently reading: Ready Player One. maybe that's a little on the nose. It's ok so far. Last book I read that I really loved was Trainspotting (yeah, I know, years late), which was absolutely amazing.

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            yung griphook

              The Iliad - Homer


                homer is insanely boring, even tho the actual storyline is pretty good


                  Reading is for gaylords, I'd rather smoke weed. Dunno harry potter?

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                  Miku Plays

                    i finished one book called who moved my cheese?

                    theres 4 characters, 2 humans and 2 rats both parties go to different mazes to find the best cheese.

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                      to kill a mockingbird still one of the best book ive read.


                        i'm reading lord of the ring atm, good book gandalf is funny as fuck


                          9 princes in amber.

                          Dire Wolf

                            I have the same issue with lord of the rings I do with game of thrones. Once you see the movies it is boring. Plus you aren't imagining the action or what the characters look like, just rehashing the movie in your head.

                            Who the fuck reads homer for fun? You going to tell me to pick up shakespeare next?

                            D the Superior
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                              lm ao



                                  The Dark Tower series by Stephen King if you like fantasy & sci-fi


                                    Red Rising - by Pierce Brown.
                                    Easily the book of the century.


                                      The Book Thief.
                                      Thousand Splendid Suns.
                                      The Great Gatsby.
                                      To Kill a Mockingbird.


                                        isaac asimov?


                                          Brave new world - Aldous Huxley


                                            House of leaves, will leave you scared shitless


                                              to kill a nigga bird


                                                Reading these days:
                                                Triple - Ken Follett
                                                All the light we cannot see - Anthony Doerr
                                                Burnt Shadows - Kamila Shamsie

                                                Recommend all of these.

                                                EZ MID 9k mmr

                                                  me mom read me hentai when i cant go sleep