General Discussion

General Discussionhow to defeat invoker in mid lane as pudge

how to defeat invoker in mid lane as pudge in General Discussion
waku waku

    I have figured out how to get hooks on invoker players who think they are the shit and expose themselves, only for now they are right to think that - as it is difficult to kill them even if they are hooked under tower. Is there a trick to it that I'm missing?


      If you're against a semi decent voker youre gonna get fucked. Just how the matchup works


        If you ever try to hook him, you will be coldsnapped while two fire elementals (or w/e it's name is) spank you. So, well... you will only defeat him on mid if he really sucks.


          Place a ward on their highground side, dont take cs and let him push the lane out where you can take cs safely under tower during day and when he isnt expecting it due to lack of sight during night hook him into ult into rot once you are at least lvl 7-8. I prefer running him offlane roam however.


            Also your success will literaly be dependant on your creep block.


              invoker > pudge

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                  Don't go mid with pudge. You will lose against literally any decent mid laner. Play him as a roaming support or an offlane


                    you don't. you probably have know this; but pudge's job is not for winning mid, since any decent midlaner can zone him out. pudge should instill fear on enemy team; that they can get hooked anytime anywhere, so they would change their gameplay (less aggression, hugging tower, miss positioning, etc). against decent invoker, you need 2-3 man gank. or just leave the midlane to other hero and go offlane > roam.

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                        just wanted to say that pudge counters invoker. piss


                          You cant, focus on roaming early with smoke ganks!

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                          Pale Mannie

                            Offlane/roaming Pudge > Mid Pudge

                            Livin' Real Good

                              Pudge isn't worthy of the mid lane, he hasn't been for a long time, fuck that hero. Invoker dumps on him no matter how good you think you are with pudge, assuming both players are on the same skill level, it also gets worse the higher you go in MMR cause people have better clue what they're doing in 3k+. Then eventually when you get to 6K, you have zero chance of beating that Invoker.

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