General Discussion

General DiscussionBiggest comeback

Biggest comeback in General Discussion

    Has anyone ever seen a 35k experience disavantage comeback? The game was like 25-0 at 30 minutes.


      Dire lost because neither of their hard carries bought a BKB against an item capped invoker.

      (TA isn't a hard carry. She's a squishy physical damage nuker who relies on armour reduction)

      Still an impressive comeback though! Just saying things probably would have gone differently if their hard carries got BKB ^_^


        they dont have a late gamer. u got lucky with invoker even after u fed the enemy team

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        Farming Simulator

          bukkake 18 minutes ago
          "they dont have a late gamer. u got lucky with invoker even after u fed the enemy team"

          Are you sure you ever played DotA? PA and Void..... one has crit and evasion, the other one has bash...



            Ignore bukkake. He's just a shit poster. 90% of the posts / comments here are.

            *waits for the day that they have serious discussion forums where trolls are able to be banned and comments deleted*

            *wistful sigh*


              I deleted my thread becoz of him.


                He legit ruined my life. I lost my job because of him.


                  I made a comeback with 70hp left on our ancient and yes, we were up against megas. It was GG. I literally screamed after I won that one.
                  Another: solo win with Luna, killed 4 of them, pushed mid, left rax, took T4 and ancient, won that with one abandon in our team.
                  I'm not bragging or anything but I'm really proud of those two.

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                    but you only were down 1 rax, we were mega'd.

                    get on my level scrub

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                    SOLO Q ONLY

                      Back when I was a high skill scrub.

                      I like this one more :

                      Had more fun because of trashtalkers in the enemy team xD

                      Pale Mannie

                        Dazzle with GG boots and arcane boots = VHS


                          Started out terrible, but was playing Spec. Outplayed and outcarried other team. Hard, fun game

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                            All games with Spec are early fails, that's not a comeback.

                            Pale Mannie


                                almost 50k xp comeback cause my 2k friends are too retarded and they dont know how to HIT BUILDINGS
                                those rapiers were from arc warden btw

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                                  Megacreep cumback still hype from that game even though it was like 2weeks ago


                                    Yesterday the enemy got mega creeps on us and we still won :)

                                    DAY 1098(2k to 6k)

                                      All those comebacks are just because of luck....!!!


                                        Luck Is No Excuse

                                        DAY 1098(2k to 6k)

                                          Luck is an excuse.....!!!!


                                            Just saying about one of holyhexor series name :O


                                            Dire Wolf

                                              talk about 1k's not knowing how to hit buildings.


                                              This was last night. I had a shit ton of deaths cus every time we went to a team fight I'd pop morph's linkens expecting sven and es to follow up and they wouldn't. Es constantly blocked us with fissures too. Sniper ended up with a rapier cus slark fed him one.

                                              The enemy morph was pretty trash too, he had the shotgun build and he two shot me before I got bkb but against a team with 3 reliable stuns plus es has a couple more, he'd sit full agi with like 1k hp and sniper would three shot him once we got through linkens. Honestly only reason we won. That and I was pretty much unkillable on dk once I got bkb to deal with that shotgun. Their right click couldn't do it.

                                              Sniper is my friend and high rated but rest of team was all 1k trash. We held out basically cus he'd D high ground while I pushed towers. I mean morph was free farming top, all four of the rest of them would dive middle and sniper would just D and I'd take their bottom t2 and they never tp'd back. At the end sven my other buddy who is the worst dota player I know personally was like man idk how we won that and I said dude dota is not about kills it's about objectives, cus he didn't get that when I was like 0-2-1 I had already taken all three t1s and bottom t2.

                                              Also sven is so fucking bad he had bkb and cheese and still let morph shotgun him and die while we were pushing their throne. That drug the game out another 10 mins or so. I mean etheral comes then he waveforms in, you have at least a second and a half to activate bkb be he's so slow.



                                                They disgustingly chose BH and Riki on the same team . We were losing for a long time , even though our ember was pretty fat . We lost the gem , and all 5 were dead . But the key in our high ground defense was Warlock , they could never break a single barrack . I hid sentries in the trees , and when riki came along with our gem , that was it , we won the game from there on .

                                                Dota is fun huh ? =)