General Discussion

General Discussion3K MMR Player here and I need tips and guides on how to improve!

3K MMR Player here and I need tips and guides on how to improve! in General Discussion

    Hey guys as you can see I am only a 3k trash. I used to be a 1k trash and while I was stucked in 1k I am finding ways to improve and YouTube helped me with that I've watched tons of vids from professional player's perspective and I focused on how to last hit, map awareness, when I'm going to join teamfights and I am slowly understanding how they play and I've created this smurf account and I've tested my skills and I have calibrated to 3002 mmr and I'm just happy that I have improved. I am posting this because I want to improve and I accept any judgement and I know from myself that I still suck at Dota and I am willing to accept any mistakes. I want someone to teach me Dota and I am really desperate to improve. I hope someone will understand (Sorry for my last few games I can't get out of low prio) < Proof that I still suck!


      Find a hero you enjoy, and learn the in depth parts of the hero, some of the thigns you can learn can be applied to other heros. For example, when I was new, i played a lot of support, now I'm not a good support, Im bad at controling runes, the heros i pick are bad for zoning, all that stuff. But, I learned how to possition properly, I learned how to start fights, how to leave fights, and how to re-engage, all things that can be carried over.

      If you can pick up small things like that, you will improve.

      casual gamer

        see what ur not doing that better people are


        or play od


          Play a lot, you will eventually realize your mistakes and learn from them

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          Bad Intentions

            Yo OP, It wudve been better if you climbed up from 1k to 3k instead man. Imagine the experience that u wudve gotten if ya did that :]


              watch your own replays, see your mistakes. E.g.
              - if you are carry, compare last hits with opponents carry ( are you keeping up? are you doing better? )
              - if you are carry, are you getting the most out of the map? farming etc. joining fights, general decision making
              - playing any position, check if you are wasting time ( floating between lanes doing nothing for example) I see that a lot in my games (4.8k)
              - review big teamfights, especially those your team lost. Why? Bad postioning? Wrong spell usage? Wrong target focus? There are many things influecing why you lose a teamfight, and often its not just your dumb teammates but you as well who caused that. In a game it is sometimes hard to reflect on why you lost one or several teamfights, cuz it happens fast and you cannot focus on what everyone does etc.
              In general yeah its good if you learn a certain hero in depth, but first know your basics. Many people think they know them, but thats often bullshit. E.g I still see people on my mmr who play carry and are too shitty to keep a proper creep equilibrium, which ultimately comes down to simple basics of last hitting and early denying.
              So bro, check your replays, see if you got demn basics down, see your clowny mistakes, laugh it off, dont repeat.
              One last tip, for the laning phase you can also watch the replay from your opponents perspective, especially when your mid, to evaluate from his view how much of a hard time did he actually have laning against you? (I like to watch and see how he gets crushed by me -> boosts moral ^^ ) Ok scrub, now go practice.