General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestions about Sven

Questions about Sven in General Discussion

    The other day I saw mushi playing in Fnatic VS OG (second game) and there are 2 things I don't understand.

    1- Why does he skill cleave first and auto-attacks the creeps keeping the lane pushed. I usually do my best to keep the enemy creeps close to my tower (not under it) to keep the lane pushed by the enemy. My explanation is that this way he can control better by pulling the jungle camp and do both the lane and the jungle, is it correct?

    2- I have also a pair of questions about his build. Isn't it better to rush dominator before upgrading the boots in order to stack the ancients faster? Also why does he buy yasha -> dagger -> s&y -> bkb? What I usually do is first s&y, then bkb (if needed) and finally dagger. Which one is better?

    Thanks a lot!


      He probably needed fast bkb more then completed s&y and just went for casual yasha since it gives you a lot for the money and then bkb.


        no he didn't rush bkb.
        He went yasha -> blink dagger -> s&y -> bkb

        maybe blink dagger helps him farming faster?


          Idk, i didnt watch the game :D Blink gives you mobility and ability to pickoff some supports with your ult and stun, so i guess it was good that game. Also you can blink around between camps, so it's ok for farming too.

          Fee Too Pee

            maybe?? since yasha + mov speed and mobility by dagger let u go to camp and camp faster? idk


              "1- Why does he skill cleave first and auto-attacks the creeps keeping the lane pushed. I usually do my best to keep the enemy creeps close to my tower (not under it) to keep the lane pushed by the enemy. My explanation is that this way he can control better by pulling the jungle camp and do both the lane and the jungle, is it correct?"

              It depends. You can't draw conclusions towards his decisions when it comes to competitive Dota.

              He probably had a reason.


                Pro players take their builds from dotabuff, but they have no idea what is the strategy behind those builds.


                  Kappa is too short (minimum is 6 characters)

                  Flying Donkey

                    As Sven opening the map and free farming are top priority. Pushing the lane from lvl 1 means he can take the tower and make much space for him and his team. Take tower, go around the map and let some of supports to have some last hits and exp when the lane is pushed back is pretty good idea.

                    Items are based on the game in the pro scene. They can do everything if it will benefit the team.

                    Dire Wolf

                      I think pubs worry too much about pushing the lane. Just actively deny and don't nuke and you'll be ok. He doesn't need to stack as much cus his team does it for him. Yasha first for farming. And pros farm so fast they have bkb when they need it for major team fights.


                        Mushi did not have any support in that lane. Generally when you have a tri lane securing free farm for your seven, you will see players hold skill points(to later put into cleave) so that they dont push the lane, allowing their supports to zone out the offlaner. In this case, he probably just wanted to get damage onto Faceless Void and cleave is the most reliable way to do that.

                        As for going treads before HotD, again, it probably has to do with being solo in lane. Treads give a lot more than helm for a sven in the laning stage. Getting BKB before blink is garbage, as you can't reliably deal your damage while you BKB without blink, and as we saw in that game, the lower your BKB time gets, the harder it is for a sven.

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                          you'll do best if you ignore every single post above mine since they're made by people who understand dota no more than you


                            wait for kitrak/matrice/andro or someone who actually knows what they're talking about


                              ^typically true, which is why I put the qualifier "probably" in my post. By default, listen to posters like Matrice, but that doesn't mean scrubs can't say truths as well.

                              the realm's delight

                                he skilled cleave and auto attacks the lane so he can clear the wave then clear neutrals (hard and small) and then back to lane, u can have like 100 cs at 10 mins doing this
                                dagger yasha because u farm faster, although u should get sange first in pubs tbh u have like 1800 hp and a lot of armor with warcry ure very hard to kill then sny then dagger, then whatever u need, bkb is probably not always 100% needed, but most of the times it is
                                treads first to help clearing neurtals/wave so u can get back to the lane in time without missing cs

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                                    Thanks for the advice. I really need some help with Sven build. Kindly check my last game and feel free to point out my mistakes on my build(thrash build I think).

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                                        ^thanks I get it now. Sny is a necessity early item, I always thought bkb first lol.


                                          well thanks a lot :)


                                            do you ever buy AC?

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                                                You push your lane only if opponent offlaner can get xp anyways and you can farm lane and jungle at the same time.

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                                                  Hope whoever invented this s&y bs on sven gets cancer.

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                                                      I remember a year and a half ago, when I used to get flamed for building helm/sny on Sven and now it's meta. Good ol' dota 2


                                                        I guess I'm the only one who rushes Mask of Madness. I'll just leave.


                                                          PT -> Mask -> Blink -> BKB -> Heart -> Aghanim
                                                          Somewhere some place I might get stun items too


                                                            He skilled cleave first so he can farm faster and kill jungle creeps faster and maybe give a support the lane for a few levels.

                                                            Sven is one of the best farmers in the game if you max cleave

                                                            He got blink for mobility alot of people buy it.

                                                            The main things you need on Sven are attack speed, survivability, strength, and mobility.

                                                            S&Y gives attack speed, strength, and more mobility with movement speed.

                                                            Blink allows Sven to get in your face, stun you, and be in position to hit you with his ult. His damage is useless if he's not in your face dealing damage.

                                                            Since Sven gives his whole team 20 armor, bkb makes him very hard to kill. After that you'd normally go for daedelus.

                                                            Some people like to get armlet on Sven.

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                                                            Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                              Is there a better way of playing Sven then to clear the lane asap and move to hard camp? 90-100 CS in 10 minutes. I spammed some Sven recently and found out that that is best thing you can do combined with stacking of ancients. If all goes well you will out level everyone by at least 5 levels and be six sloted around 30 mins.


                                                     - 1.1k XPM

                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                Mask is fine zenoth used to go mask of madness, blink, armlet, heart, gg games over and get like 1000 gpm with it.

                                                                Heart is really good too cus it gives 80 dmg when ult it up.

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                                                                    @Op - You may find this helpful