General Discussion

General DiscussionMoM Ursa.

MoM Ursa. in General Discussion

    In the latest major people are getting it almost every game on him.

    Personally ive tried it a few times and been generally not impressed.

    Vlads is mediocre and unless you team needs it I can't recommend.

    Naked mask is ok, but it just seems too cost efficient to upgrade after you have blink.

    HoD is by far my choice, better dmg, same armor as vlads, and the active can help you get kills, push, or just scout rosh respawn, also upgrades to a REALLY good late game item for ursa.

    MoM seems to be all about the move speed, as the bonus att speed isnt that huge imo...

    So why are the pros getting it? Or from your experiences, when should you get it?

    Dieses Thema wurde geändert

      after use overpower. then use MoM to get the attack speed again


        Not to mention you can offset the damage increase from MoM with enrage.

        Pablo, a Beautiful Mexican

          HoD isn't build in the major because vlads gives almost the same but an aura for only a little more gold. The only benefit of HoD is that it's upgradeable to a Satanic late game, but in professional environment a game wouldn't become that long. Also note that Ursa is generally picked as a early/mid game, rosh controlling, carry, not as a late game carry.

          Why pros are getting a MoM, I have honestly no clue...


            the bonus attack speed is for farming in downtime like it is for most heroes. you also get 20% lifesteal as opposed to 15% of morbid mask, so even if you never use mask's active in fights, it'll be more useful than a naked mask and the mobility + attack speed offsets the extra cost of upgrading the morbid mask to madness.

            even black^ gets madness on PL sometimes because it helps with farm.