this is the game i was talking about...surfing around and also found out that miracle and burning cant do anything when faced with that combo.
idk it seems fine
od is very strong against highly immobile heroes that seek to stand in the front line, whilst having trouble with sneaky backliners due to having high dmg but low catch, stickiness range and mobility unless you go dagger
if you look at the matchups, ench is listed as the 2nd hardest counter after pugna
even if repel prevents od from getting affected by untouchable, spears go through repel and note that in higher levels its likely that they will perma enchan a purge creep
anyways, there is this pretty useful counter-picking/synergy browser app that i used to use last time for every game, stopped using it cos it became bugged but turns out its fine again.
the hero for 9.28 is arc warden.
take note that the stats used are taken from all mmr, so might not be extremely relevant but perhaps would be helpful.
thanks for valuable input 4Head
there are a lot of things in this game, like impetus breaking all the omni spells including ulty, od being useless in laning stage, repel ignoring untouchable, etc., and surprisingly i was aware of all this stuff when saying enchantress is good against od/omni.
@triplesteal Ench is good until she is allowed to hit from behind..if OD jumps in on ench maybe with a rod of atos or something and repel she is dead meat.. I don't think Ench can manfight OD..
And diffu hero would be good. Or diffu on any hero.. Diffu fucks omni..
Well Thesaurus says "Practice of or being elite" or something like that.. Basically means you're a pretentious asshole..
steal pick omni is an ok strategy, I'm bored of playing him tho so I go for things that go thru bkb like silencer enigma beastmaster, or strong diffusal hero like spectre
Pick Oracle, convince someone to hug OD and purge him, then disarm.
Or you can go full YOLO, KS until you have a blink dagger, then blink next to OD, purge and disarm.
And then you can lose your mmr with less headaches.
Have been spamming OD + Omni combos with friends today and end up getting a 6-1 score.. the only time when we lost was when Omni got taken by opponent... Oracle is quite legit too to counter repelled OD, of course u cant actually cast fortune's end (oracle's 1st) to OD who have repel on him but u can actually ask ur friend to go near OD when he jumped in and cast fortune's end on ur friend, it actually removes the repel on OD.. of course this strategy is quite situational.... any thoughts?
Wait does impetus go through bkb/repel? Does untouchable go through bkb/repel?
What about slark?
impetus does, both through repel and omnis ulty; untouchable doesnt
I have not lost a game as silencer to OD and in fact as offlane silencer I've beaten all mid OD by sheer DPS, but this is only normal game not high or VH games. As for Omni just get a machine gun hero that can shoot with diffusal from afar, by time he realized he's taking damage he's lost like half his mana pool so he can't repel or heal allies and has to ult and run.
Heck even a BKB'ed blink sven carry can easily beat them down late game.
oh cus od's ult can hit him while he's invis? Ok makes sense.
I don't think one hero can really counter a two hero combo that well anyway. But if you go silencer plus some other wombo combo or high dmg to take down one during silencer ult that should work. If you do like silencer + any burst dmg, lina, ember whatever + aghs necro you should be able to kill omni or od during silencer ult. Or just normal wombo combo stuff like silencer + tide + sk or something.
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Recently I've met OD and omniknight combos in my mmr games as opponents and have found it quite frustrating to fight against... I played invoker and won the early game but at mid game once omni's repel had reached lvl 4, he just repeled OD and OD started to blink in teamfights and finished most of my teammates. Maybe someone in the forum has some thoughts on how to counter these guys effectively?