General Discussion

General Discussionbuild and hero you like to spam? :D

build and hero you like to spam? :D in General Discussion

    tell me your favorite hero and build to spam (:


      currently enchantress
      phase drums dragon lance aghs




          lion with radiance, aether lense, manta style and octarine


            Zeus, common zeus items


              Spectre- typical build

              Fee Too Pee

                huskar , rush armlet hotd , ez game ez life. RIP HUSKAR 6.86 sad day

                Pale Mannie

                  OD meta build


                    Isis is life, Isis is love


                      Necrophos, underrated and being underestimated.

                      People ask me to buy courier thinking I am a support.

                      Pale Mannie

                        ^same struggle


                          Like I was playing ranked when I said I'm a semi carry. I mean they haven't seen my stats yet. He can be played in every lane. In pubs people under estimated him and melee heroes start jumping on me and I use my Q 2 times and ultimate. Izzeh. and I lane against Necro it's annoying aura. The build? Actually u can read guides man, no shortcuts.


                            And please guardian greaves or dagon and aghanim are not a must build, please.


                              OP your name bugs me a lot


                                any burst ks damaging heroes then carry the game by all the ks you get


                                  Jugger, just play rush
                                  Note: im only in HS bracket

                                  ♿Sister Fister

                                    I play Slark and I always find myself buying tango. Everything else is situational.


                                      Venomancer mid, aether lens, veil, blink, euls, hex

                                      Mr. Furryhentai

                                        ember rapira first



                                          windranger offlane is so ez at 4.5k. phase>force>aghs>situationals


                                            Clinkz early daedalus bkb..

                                            the realm's delight

                                              templarka i guess


                                                Invoker. Midas > Drums > PT > Blink > Aghs > Octarine > Refresher/Bkb/Travels/Moonshard
                                                Roshan right after u get midas drums ez game gg report invoker spammer


                                                  Well its not spamming. I basically pick it every time i have OD on my team:

                                                  Ogre magi
                                                  2 1 2 1 1 4 1 3 3 3 4 3 2 2 5 4 5555555555
                                                  start: 2 ggbranch 1 mango 1 set of tangos + whatever consumables are needed, frequently getting 1 clarity and an early smoke too
                                                  make arcaneboots at laneshop
                                                  make wand
                                                  make consumables (obs sentry smokes w/e)
                                                  get regenring
                                                  make lense from boots
                                                  make aghs, startign with point booster

                                                  i deviate rarely from this build and usually finish the aghs when we already took 2 rax.
                                                  at start of game u have 5,25 passiv Hp regen per sec. zoning is ez, noone can trade hits (except ursa). try holding your mana till lvl 2, then commit for a fistfight and use ignite and fireblast, almost always gets a kill in lane. use mango in a clutch. try tank for your lane partner so he gets out all his dmg.
                                                  when u have arcaneboots, lvl 6 and full mana use your lvl 2 ignite on junglecamp and autoattack it down. the armor and HP regen keeps u up.
                                                  after getting lense u just sit behind the OD, spam bloodlust on him and whoever needs (u reliably have infinite mana with your low cooldowns). cast fireblast, ignite and unrefined fireblast off CD in teamfights, try get most value out of it and hope for multi. when team massivly lacks engage get a dagger, when enemy has ton of magic dmg get valueCloak.


                                                    Radiant ancients Mirana is great. Qb, Wb, Circlet. Stack neutrals until clock reaches 2 mins or so, but keep killing common neutral camps using arrow on the strongest creep. By that time you should have a triple ancient stack. Jump on cliff between ancients and hard camp which is close to the secret shop. Finish Aquila, buy phase boots, magic wand. You should be level 7 by 7 mins. Go to base, heal, buy obs wards, tp. Start ganking everywhere. Buy drums, then manta or any item at your choice, according to the enemies team. I personally always buy Manta on her, since it's a good item which disjoint many stuns, silences, provides good movement speed and DPS. Profit :)

                                                    Ps: You must have a good team which can hold a jungler for 7 mins without feeding or crying for support. However, past that time, you should be everywhere in the map, ganking, warding and farming.

                                                    Ps2: You can also help your Mid to secure top rune by stunning any enemy that goes for it.

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                                                    ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                      Dagon -> eblade -> rapier -> boots


                                                        6 slotted boot windranger cause movement speed.

                                                        KIRITO MS

                                                          CHECK MY DOTABUFF Kappa