General Discussion

General DiscussionNerf sniper

Nerf sniper in General Discussion

    Honestly the most broken hero in the game. Tanky, does shit loads of dmg, mobile and annoying. And his built in invis and blink spell should be removed and reworked. Worse than the whole meta cancer together. Can icefraud just nerf him... Thoughts?

    Dieses Thema wurde geändert

      +1 to what op said, this hero is just impossible to deal with


        i dont even u derstand why hes still in the game, to be honest

        < blank >

          With new Dragon Lance item this guy can stand in fountain and right click me while I stand in Roshpit
          NERF PL0X


            ^ yea exactly I bet he will get nerfed next patch, cuz he can shoot from the earth to the moon... This is just beyond broken...

            Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
            Pale Mannie

              Dayum im not the only one who thought this


                ahahah nice, i thought the same. sniper isnt even real dota. its like techies, its a hero in dota, but it ruins the whole game for everyone. delete sniper pls


                  adding to what op said, sniper can chain lightning you from his fountain to your fountain. definitely broken

                  lm ao

                    fuck man

                    look at his fucking iwnrate thats so OP

                    Pale Mannie

                      Maverick the Gambler is more balanced than that fucker


                        maverick is the strongest 3 star bot in CS Condition Zero campaign


                          sniper is so broken u guysssssssssss pls remove him and put him to lego of legeis


                            Nooooooo! Dont nerf sniperino! Just the dragon lance !!


                              cute win rate in 5k+

                              TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                Bruh. My sense of sarcasm is sorta getting blunt by the day and nearly fell for that.

                                Pale Mannie

                                  dont nerf sniperino

                                  kill urself noone fucking cares m8 about your sniper life just jump off the bridge honestly

                                  ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                    A 300 mmr Sniper can win in 8000 mmr just because he's playing Sniper and there's no difference between a 300 mmr Sniper and 8000 mmr Sniper.

                                    A 8000 mmr Invoker you can say has better skills than a 300 mmr Invoker.

                                    But an 8000 mmr Sniper? All you can say is that he's luckier to have better teammates because the skill lvl is the same.

                                    bum farto

                                      ^ can confirm 8K players are no better than 300mmr players


                                        that insight into the real meaning of skill in dota is way too deep for me