General Discussion

General DiscussionWhich heroes have the most game changing aghs upgrade?

Which heroes have the most game changing aghs upgrade? in General Discussion

    In my opinion it would be KOTL, Nyx, Treant, Weaver, and WK.


      Elder Titan aghs, whole enemy team loses like 50% hp I think

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      Miku Plays


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            unfortunately treant needs other items before agh

            imo agh on treant should also give blink and endless mana

            ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!


              Aka none.

              He needs one tho.

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                Miku Plays

                  how about a free fountain on your trees instead, the effect will only be received if your under natures guise.



                    too op

                    ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                      i got an ahanims upgrade for riki

                      he can now autoattack while being invisible and ult deals double dmg

                      Bad Intentions

                        Necros Ags upgrade is widely recognized as the most powerful and game changing ags in doto. Id be surprised if it doesnt get nerfed.

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                          Weaver. No doubt.

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                            the biggest game impact have aa, chen, disruptor, lina.
                            balanar can be huge half the time, wd too.

                            ones that have pretty selfish aghs upgrades but tremendous ones, are ud, meepo, and wr and tiny.

                            necro upgrade is a hit or miss.

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                            plz do



                                I'm surprised no one said Techies. With lens the cast range is massive. Not to mention the minefield sign....

                                Also I want to see a morphling demonstration. I just don't have the micro skills use him at his fullest. Btw morphling's hybrid form does get passive Ultimates like Marksmanship.

                                Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                  Luna, cuz now u can't simply press "R" and profit.


                                    gyro. nuke them on their fountain


                                      Land midnight pulse + black hole instantly and refresher after and do same thing = instant Kreygasm surprise butt sexks to win the game.

                                      Honorable or amazing mentions to ya boys Meepo, Alch, WD