General Discussion

General DiscussionIs it ever worth it to get Dagon 5?

Is it ever worth it to get Dagon 5? in General Discussion

    It costs more than a rapier and doesn't deal enough damage to justify the 7750 gold cost imo.




        It should be a core item on every hero.


          It's not worth it. EBlade is cheaper and Eblade + Dagon1 does more damage on most heroes.


            Yes. When you're 9 slotting. It's your "oh why not" item when you'll have buyback even after getting it.

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            ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

              I mean as a first item, is it ever worth it?



                Dagon1 + EBlade is stronger and cheaper and has more utility, even on Tinker. The only time I've rushed Dagon5 past my really early days as a total noob was when I was playing against an enemy who was microing disconnected allies. Then the extra burst damage vs. fixed HP targets with no gear was incredibly good in guaranteeing 1HKOs.

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                ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                  What does Eblade do?

                  It doesn't deal immediate damage, also I don't get a lot of attributes, just raw damage.

                  Aka its not good for the kill secure.

                  Rather just get dagon 1 then rapier.

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                    multiple rapiers do more dmg. please go back to your old build oh almighty thor


                      tbh if you stopped building rapiers and rushed dagon 5, i think your win rate would go up. at least you can't feed dagons.

                      ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                        I don't feed rapiers either.


                          It is useful if the hero is mana dependent just like OD. Eblade + Dagon (any level) becomes extremely potent items for OD along with its Arcane Orb.

                          ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                            Yeah but honestly I'd get Dagon 3 at best before starting to buy another item first.


                              On heroes like nyx, especially if your team is braindead it's actually good to have that burst dmg so you can keep solo killing everyone and get gold for other good things. Also cooldown is so fucken low, ofc it's worth. Not always tho :)


                                haha how are you not continually in lp? how many reports have you had recently?

                                just looked at your last game - rapier+dagon+tp scroll. kudos for carrying a tp.

                                ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                  I've gotten 4 reports since my last report card, but they were by the same party so I think they just counted as 1.

                                  I haven't been reported since I got to like exp level 20 and the system started weeding out the assholes and the jerks from my teams.

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                                    You should honestly pick up more stat related items such as Yasha into Diffusal blade. As far as boots are concerned you'd be better off buying Power Treads. Divine costs too much too early, I looked at all your games, you usually get tons of kills but you are absolutely no use to your team mates. Divine is a luxury item, something you grab when you are ahead and have tons of gold, it's not core especially on a Riki with no stats.

                                    ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                      How am I of no use? I deal damage


                                        Yeah but you don't live too long i can imagine. Characters like QoP and Zeus will litterally accidently kill you.

                                        ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                          Well I stay invis for 90% of the game so I'm fine as long as nobody buys sentries.


                                            rapier is 300 dmg
                                            dagon 5 is 800 dmg
                                            10/10 would buy


                                              Like I said, accidently kill you.

                                              You have only played roughly 100 games, no one who you have played with is really all that good yet. So the way you are playing right now works so long as they don't buy dust and sentry wards. To answer your first question if you want burst damage i'd have to agree with the Etheral blade followed by dagon as it provides more stats specifically agillity which Riki lives for followed by the higher burst damage.


                                                I wonder if people ever think "I'm shit at this game maybe I shouldn't give advice like I know something" before posting
