General Discussion

General DiscussionDo you often resort to dirty tactics in order to just win a game?

Do you often resort to dirty tactics in order to just win a game? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Ya know, unpausing dc'd enemies, trash talking, tactical pausing etc etc?

    Or do you play gentleman doto?



      I like to pause games at 4.20 mark then type 420 BLAZE IT.....not sure if that's a dirty tactic tho or just something else....helps me with the laning stage gives me confidence


        i would only unpause when im on smurfs. IMO ranked is meant to be a proving grounds for yourself and if you cheat/unpause/resort to other scummy tactics then that basically defeats the purpose of playing ranked in the first place

        Pale Mannie

          I unpause when i got harassed hard and zoned out in laning stage especially when im pos 1
          I like it to trashtalk like everyone in normal skill
          Never had tactical pausing. They wouldve unpause anyway


            I can agree with VoHiYo to some extent. But morally I don't. If it's for a win and it's actually really good that a specific person is DC'ed, i'll unpause. I actually try to keep my trash talking down in ranked, sometimes it's just a waste of time, in unranked after every kill i'm one of those guys who spams EZ or whatever.

            So yeah. Why not. If it's for a win.

            I also help friends with wards in games, regardless of the 2 minute delay.


              would staying invisible and waiting for cleaning the enemy team up be counted as dirty tactic?

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                  do you have to post that repeatedly and even make a thread about it? i guess 1 bragging post should be enough?


                    It's not bragging,I 'm excited. So I will delete this one.


                      The post made me have an idea where I can read comeback stories. So negative thinking bro. What's so good to brag about? I'm bad at dota.

                      EZ MID 9k mmr

                        the honorable loli from sea gets it

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                            i sometimes try to get in my enemies heads by flaming one of them and praising the others

                            works everytime

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                              Pick ursa, stand in sight of a melee enemy, ask a teammate to type in all chat 'ursa afk pls wait' then hit f9. When they unpause (and they will) to get the ez kill enjoy your free meal.

                              Pale Mannie


                                  I don't unpause when there's a dced enemy, I'll try to use my pause if I can. If a teammate is dced I'll wait for my team to pause for them since I'm assuming they won't use their pauses if an enemy disconnects.

                                  if there's a gamebreaking glitch e.g. lone druid bear repeatedly gaining hp from vit booster, being able to use consumables on towers, or whatever, I'll just wait til the game gets patched.

                                  no tactical pauses

                                  trash talking - depends on what you consider trash talking. I don't spam > Good Game or "ez" after every kill or ez <mid/safe/off> lane at the end of each game when I'm about to win but I like to use the occasional twitch emote mostly to my team, sometimes in all chat. memes seem to keep attitudes positive.


                                    Glitches / scripts / macros I don't use.
                                    I report people who tactically pause on initiator / blink heroes.

                                    However, I won't object if teamamtes flame a bad player and force him to disconnect. That stops a source of easy gold for the enemy.
                                    In team chat, I definitely will call the enemy noob and stupid to raise morale, especially after easy kills.
                                    In all chat, I will try my best to make the enemy play stupid if they are winning too many teamfights. If they make a good play that really frustrated me, I will question their tactics. If they are (correctly) focusing me in teamfights, I will call them out for "hate". If one of their players is clearly the best player and is the only reason why they are still winning / alive, I will try to turn the enemy team (of more noob players) against him. I won't resort to open lying about AFK ursa or LC players, though. That seems too unfair.

                                    In terms of disconnects, as long as the game is even or we are winning, if the enemy refuse to wait for their own teammates, I won't wait for them. If they do, however, I will honor the wait. However, I will always wait for allies unless he is an incompetent feeder. If we are losing, though, I will never wait for the enemy's best/carry player.

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                                    Hide The Pain - Herald

                                      I send an elite squad of mercenaries to set fire to their car as a distraction.


                                        I will only resort to dirty tactics if the other enemy team is doing it, or they are just being douchbags in general, or pick annoying heroes, then MAYBE.

                                        I will respect em if they need a pause because someone DC'd. I can't stand it when people unpause and someone DC'd.

                                        Von Darkmoor

                                          You unpause if they unpause for i Also tend to unpause if i have to wait more than 2-5 min sinCE in those cases its safe to leave and you can just go next


                                            rekt the enemy team