General Discussion

General DiscussionPuck question

Puck question in General Discussion

    Hello all. I'm still quite new and inexperienced when it comes to Dota and still in the process of learning all the heroes. Instead of jumping right into real matches with an unfamiliar hero, I try to play some bot matches for practice (last hit timing, learning skills/skill combos, etc), watch some first-person gameplay on the hero via YouTube or in the client, study item and skill builds, etc. Just to give everyone perspective on how I approach the process.

    Recently, I've been trying to learn Puck and I have an item build question. At the moment, I'm looking at this: start with buying null, then go bottle->wand->power treads->blink. My question is what item to build next. It seems that Dagon is quite popular on Puck, I assume to make up for the low damage output of Puck's nuking spells. Eul's also seems pretty common, and generally is an item I favor. But instead of either of those items, would Veil be a better option? It's cheaper than both, provides a decent amount of int plus strength and agility on top, as well as the armor, HP regen, and active that would make up for the low nuking power (and increase magic damage for your allies as well)

    After that, it seems pretty straightforward (Scythe, Linken's, etc), but it's the first major item after blink that I'm unsure about. I appreciate any advice or input that can be provided. Thanks in advance!

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      It's good actually and undervalued on most heroes, but the hero kind of needs more mana regen then mana and the synergy of Euls-Phase Shift and Blink is too much to ignore and most of the time you can't get both.