General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed party ranked partners. 4k+

Need party ranked partners. 4k+ in General Discussion

    Hi guys!
    after being dropped from 4.5k to 4.1. im concered that i need someone firm to play dota2 with me.someone 4.1+ will be good enough.
    comment here.
    Im from EUW btw.
    need 2-4 more.
    i can play any role.
    used to play supp alot.

    plz do

      we can play some if u like. ill deboost u further to 3k np thank me later


        i play US E. any chance you'd tolerate them lags?


          i think i can. but we have to try a normal match. just to make sure.


            Can I play with you?


              Lmao these threads always start with ''hey guys I've dropped from *.*k mmr to *.*k mmr'' xD