General Discussion

General DiscussionWay too discouraged to play ranked on this account.

Way too discouraged to play ranked on this account. in General Discussion
meow maniac

    My hidden MMR is high 2k and to get there I'd need to grind through hundreds of bad games like this.


      Dude, maybe your teammates are bad, but u can't be playing vs an invoker and SF with a clinks without bkb. For just saying one mistake.
      What i'm trying to point out is that even though your teammeates can be bad, u could get better. That's the way to climb MMR


        What was bad about it? Barracks are taken on both sides. That's usually a sign of a good game in my books. People fed, but did so on both sides. You lost, but I'd rather lose a close game then win a gimme.

        meow maniac

          Shadow Fiend and Invoker weren't really a problem for me. Orchid was plenty to shut them down. The problem was that the enemies got so large I couldn't effectively kill them all in a 1v5 and we needed towers so I had to buy BoTs and take objectives.

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            should have looked for small pickoffs and ratted when they started 5 manning

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              meow maniac

                Those feeding matches took place in low 3k games, bud. You should also note that I purposely feed, troll and build unconventional items on heroes with higher than average skill caps.

                The Lion game was insanely unfair btw. That was a 4.5k+ game. Well, at least three of the players had 3.6k to 5.2k ranked MMR on display.

                Amusingly even in those games where I have horrid KDA ratios I still am surprisingly doing better than my teammates who somehow have even lower KDA.

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                King of Low Prio

                  11 kda invoker

                  'Shadow Fiend and Invoker weren't really a problem for me'


                  King of Low Prio

                    4.5k normal bracket games LOL

                    meow maniac

                      Yeah, I was in a 5k normal game earlier and I even posted the match. It happens all of the time when you play CM because the matchmaking pool's so small.


                      Note: opposing team mostly consisted of lower MMR players. same shit happens vice versa

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                        you never played a match above normal skill you fucking retard

                        meow maniac

                          don't sign your posts ^


                            this is bait

                            meow maniac

                              moar proof 4 the disbelievers


                              All players that fluctuate between Normal & VHS with a ranked MMR above 3k that I've personally been matched with and pitted against within my last 15 games.

                              I can dig deeper and show you games where I've single handedly stomped VHS players with nothing but low skill players on my team.


                                do u want a cookie

                                King of Low Prio

                                  I get normal and high and vhigh matches when I play with my girl does that make her 4k now?

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                                  ham strokers ejacula

                                    Wow, ok that one game you posted where you claim to have played with 5K players is pretty correct but here's the catalyst.

                                    The guy is part of a small stack that queues with a 600 MMR guy in captains mode in US west. You do realize how literally dogshit low that game will be, which is obviously something they figured out for free wins. Look at his friends, all 2-3 stack with each other + one low in RD, SD, or CM.

                                    Unranked matchmaking is almost as bad as LPQ where you will get a mix of all types of players but that is no way to gauge your hidden rank to. I got match with Miracle, W33, Illidan etc. all in unranked but that doesn't make me anywhere near their skill.

                                    The fact that you have to point out those games makes me think that subconsciously you know that's it's higher than you deserve. I don't go around posting every game where I have been matched with 5K players cause I am a 5K player so it's nothing special to me to have to point it out.

                                    You don't play any of your heroes very well and I am pretty sure that the majority of those ES games 6 months ago weren't even you playing. Please just stop.

                                    meow maniac

                                      Nah, all of the ES games were played by me. I was playing significantly better 6 months ago, but I took a 2 month long break and now I'm nowhere near as good, but I'm definitely not a sub 1k MMR player.

                                      P.S. I don't even play in US West and he wasn't stacked with a lower MMR player when he was in our game.

                                      My primary account w/ 300 games sits @ 3.1k MMR

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                                      meow maniac

                                        And spoiler: I won all of my solo queue calibration matches. The reason I was placed @ 500 MMR was because I fed couriers and repeatedly ran under the tower as Alch in all of my ranked party games to troll the people I was queued up with.

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                                          fun fact a huge number of 5k players are terrible. Even more 4k players are terrible tho, so gl.

                                          meow maniac
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                                              How about you just do like Sven-guy?

                                              That means, suck it up and climb without bitching.

                                              King of Low Prio

                                                we get it whenever you lose you 'where not trying'. Valve needs to add a button to wipe mmr loss at the end of game to correct these obvious oversights.

                                                meow maniac

                                                  jk guys im actually retarded. like my mom smoked meth while she was pregnant and i have fetal alcohol syndrome


                                                    knew it.

                                                    meow maniac

                                                      just smashed a 2k MMR ranked game

                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                        3rd highest game impact whudda champ


                                                          i once played with RTZ

                                                          have some OC