General Discussion

General DiscussionI'm 600 MMR Deep and I Feel Like I Want To Quit

I'm 600 MMR Deep and I Feel Like I Want To Quit in General Discussion

    Hi everyone.

    First time poster so let me get this problem off my back.

    I started out in 1500 MMR when I first started. I was not very good at that point but from here on out, I have improved greatly. I play a large variety of heroes for various situations when the time calls for.

    Recently, I got a bad losing streak a month ago and it was a downhill slope from then on.
    The game:

    Now the reason I'm writing this is because I have gone from 1200 MMR to 600 MMR in no less then a month and see no signs of improving. Every time i try to do better than my teammates, they end up being a third wheel and pull me down with no chance of a comeback. When I play a support, they team keeps throwing themselves in front of the enemy and blame me for letting them die despite it being their fault for engaging in a fight they cannot win. When I play carry, I keep the lanes a pushed as possible, but the other teammates want to get fast kills and the supports keep roaming around the map getting ganked by a Pudge or a Night Stalker.

    This last game ( I was trying my hardest to play Legion but my support kept roaming and killing himself while Drow did not know how far to attack and the game was an absolute mess. I could have picked it up if everyone did there job but everyone wants to be the MVP of the team instead of working together.

    And it is like this 75% of my history of being below 1K MMR.

    So I'm at a real problem here. DOTA's is starting to become a chore for me instead of being fun. I want to go back to 1K MMR so I can start having fair games again but my team does not want to work together.

    So what do I do from here? Do I give up? Should I learn en espanol? Should I smurf (even though I do not want to)?

    Feel free to look at my history and terrorize yourself at how bad games are at low MMR. Spread the word, and thanks.

    Bang Energy Thot

      I recommend getting a coach.

      If you look at my profile, I lost a good amont of matches after TI5 and even this winter when 6.86 hit. I lost 600 mmr from 4k and got it all back in 1 month b/c I had a good coach.

      Honestly, at your MMR, focus on one aspect of the game/role, get good at it, change to another, and repeat. Your level probably don't know a good amount of interaction between spells or drafts or when to grab what item and why its good on the hero.

      Start by playing mid. And keep playing mid until you get good at it. Once you learn mid, you'll realize how you're playing every other role is wrong. And then learn that role and you'll realize how you're playing mid is wrong. Rinse and repeat.

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        I recommend making a new account if you are as good as you say and recalculate your mmr it should get you out the pit


          i have this id start mmr from 1700, now im mmr 3200 with the same skill as i am in 1700 mmr, because when i caliberate, i oftenly go afk and abandon, when im at mmr 2200 i give up playing new id, on my diferent id, i get 2550 mmr and it was so fucking easy sometimes but if your team suck ggwp or u comeback with get rampage... how 2550 mmr accurate on me? i give up 2550 i play my 2100 and in 1 month i got 3200 mmr.. thanks valve, anyway. see my dota profile, solo mmr 3200 and party mmr 1700, so if u want me to bosst party mmr, im want of it.. i used to hate dota so much,, this ranked system sucks. valve not remember my game when i tryhards comeback and got rampage.. and 3.2 k mmr is still so easy to me,, i can go 4 k mmr is i spam omniknight, spectre, OD, DP


            it was a very long journey i think,, like i have tryhard 4 k to get 5 k or something.. vs 4 k mmr smurf at 2 k mmr. sometimes win or losing. most of them lose. i'm mad, and so sad. mmr is just a number, but if u got low, people look down upon you.. and if u not getting high mmr, u are not confident with ur skill at all.. there's no way u could improve with low number mmr.. if i play my party mmr 1700 even though solo 3.2 k,, its like im being rude to 1 k mmr player too... i think valve should make mmr party and solo the same number i think..


              i make new account but got only 2550 when my old id just 2100?? now 2100 go 3.2 k mmr in 1 month. i have seen someone play badly like me get 2800 mmr. and he make new iid get 3.5 k.. @@@@@@@ this mmr not accurate until when i found this dotabuff... u should oppened ur mmr when u have unranked match that said very high skill... so it will be accurate for ur mmr..

              Hide The Pain - Herald

                Well.... if you are ever giving up on your account, I can give you a VHS account and 1 random set for your favourite hero in exchange for your account :)


                  There's people who'd love to play at your mmr. If you ask me, I'd be able to boost you back up to the mmr you were about a month ago free of charge.

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                    Git gud. Legit advice.


                      You speak in a too not retarded way to be so retarded. You could just pick Lycan and push one lane to throne and nobody would notice.
                      I recommend going to church.


                        You are really really bad, OP. Don't blame anything on your team mates. You suck. You wanna get better? Stop blaming your team and focus on what you can do to improve, because I promise you 88% of your games are winnable 1v9.