General Discussion

General DiscussionFeeder with 39% winrate on new acc = VHS?

Feeder with 39% winrate on new acc = VHS? in General Discussion
    Dieses Thema wurde geändert
    meow maniac

      He's skilled, idiot.

      Pablo, a Beautiful Mexican

        Oh god, another smurf trying to get into a higher skillbracket than he belongs. You guys never learn?


          1) He is not skilled. Afk farming sk with zero game impact and feed.

          2) I don't care about my bracket. Just wondering how my teammates reached VHS without hands.

          Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
          meow maniac

            He stomped his Normal Skill games.


              he stomped normal skill games and ended up in vhs.

              Should drop very soon tho

              Pontic Greek

                It is very strange, though, that only after a handful of games, it starts putting the player in VHS regardless of how bad he plays.

                I would understand after stomping a NS match, then trying a HS match and stomping again going to VHS for a couple of matches, but if you lose 2 or 3 by a lot, wouldn't you be back into NS? or at least HS?

                This player can stay in VHS after several bad games?


                  my friedn is in vhs after smurfing from a 2.3k account
                  like wtf
                  is this shit


                    It's funny how so many people lack basic math knowledge or even common sense.

                    Winrate does not equal skill.
                    Google what % means.
                    Google what Skill means.

                    Then try to add those together and you will understand.

                    In a nutshell:
                    Winning against noobs can give you 100% winrate.
                    Losing against pros can give you 0% winrate.

                    Pontic Greek

                      Win rate within a specific specific Skill Bracket does, however, give you a hint. Also the performance within that skill bracket.

                      For instance, if your winrate in VHS is 20% but in NS its 70%, it's safe to say you are more suited to the NS skill bracket.

                      Swap Commends

                        He/she will hit wall soon.dw