General Discussion

General Discussion2GD fired

2GD fired in General Discussion

    He made a porn joke? So what? He was jokingly flaming few pro players, which he is actually friend with? What a big deal. They even laughed about it and found it funny. Is he an ass? Ofc he is, that's his way of casting, but he's funny and incredibly enternaining guy.

    So why again they fired him even after they said he should just be himself? CAUSE THAT GUY ALI HAS PERSONAL HATE TOWARDS HIM. End of story.

    Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
    saving private RTZ

      The thing is, Icefrog told him to be himself(and James is an ass no matter how you put it, but thats what got him here) and then Gabe fired him cause "yea i dont want this guy on muh show" yum yum burger.

      This shows the stupid organisation of Valve(everyone is the same, there is no hierarchy, only the employees+ GabeN). How the fuck you don't know what others employees told to the host, its not like they have thousands of employee Valve is a small company.

      saving private RTZ

        Also i don't get all this "we real sports now". No, you're never going to be.
        People should realize eSports simply have a totally different audience than regular sports, and no matter how hard they try they won't get to the big audience, so no sponsors, no advertisers

        Putins Price Hike

          whats great about his porn joke was the disabled porn part. Instead of disabled meaing blocked he meant it like people who are disabled. Freakin brilliant. 10/10


            if you bothered to read his statement he came prepared ahead of time - he knew the production team were the same one who fucked up some other lan so he knew he would have to be filling more than 5-10 minutes of time between each game with conversation. the whiteboard with the hero forecast and whatever, that helps pass the time.

            if they didn't want james' hosting style, don't fucking hire him then, hire redeye instead if they wanted full professionalism, he hosted ti5. valve have worked with james before so they know what he's like and they still chose to hire him.