General Discussion

General Discussionwhy dota so hard ?

why dota so hard ? in General Discussion

    there people with over 2k matches in dota and they still 2-3k MMR there also people with over 5k matches and they still 4-5k MMR...some of them even have more hours invested into dota then most pros and they still very low MMR compare to them

    what makes it so hard to climb MMR ? team mates ?


      teammates have 0 impact on how fast you climb


        i disagree. u should play with good people to learn from them.


          Some people are just better at some things than others. Contrary to popular belief It has nothing to do with IQ, or intelligence, but rather how quickly you learn and also how efficiently. On the other hand not all people playing dota are trying to achieve high mmr but rather play for fun, instead of studying the game like its some kind of college class. Theres also obvious time restrictions for a lot of people. As much as I'd love to sit and play dota all day, I have other responsibilities irl. A lot of the higher rated players have more time to play more often, and as such will learn things faster. Out of sight out of mind as they say.


            it isn't hard to climb mmr if you want to dedicate yourself to it. despite what you might think from dotabuff or reddit forums 90% of the player base don't particularly care about their mmr.

            fairly certain that if any casual player dedicated themselves to improving they could climb a couple of thousand mmr.

            most people just like hitting things.


              considerig u can buy a higher rated account - yes; but assuming u play on your own acc and are not willing to ruin other players' games, your progress is not affected by your teammates, which are just as bad as you are (on average).


                or we don't really give a fuck about climbing mmr cause realistically you are not gonna be in TI



                  "The Norwegian School of eSports has become part of the educational program
                  Computer classes the school is equipped with powerful gaming PC. From the students need to have a lesson of their own keyboards, mice and headsets. At the moment, the school board decides, with any game is to start training. We consider such titles as Dota 2, League of Legends, CS: GO and Starcraft II."

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                    there are people who play to have fun and carefree if they lose or not. there are also people who is very competitive and focused on a goal to reach. it's not the number of matches, it's the mindset when playing.
                    triplesteal has 4149 matches and seating at 51% while you are at <50% with 300+ matches.


                      so unless you care about improving you just gonna be stuck in same MMR ? MMR doesn't increase over time no ? it seems like everyone have on average 50% win rate

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                      Pale Mannie

                        @middle aged woman

                        Finally someone who understands me with the part of climbing


                          Phantom Lannister yes correct. as your skills increase, so does your mmr. if u are content with your current skills, your mmr average will remain the same.


                            by allowing people to smurf to a higher mmr, valve cleverly causes mmr inflation which encourages people to keep playing. which means that if your winrate is 50% and your mmr is not increasing then you are actually getting worse.



                              See this guy?? Has over 7k matches still stuck at less than 2k, he blames his team mates all the time on his Facebook page

                              Dire Wolf

                                Cus it's hard to rank up to those 10th percentiles? It's an elo system so naturally most people are going to be somewhere in the middle. You are literally asking the question why are most people average. If they weren't average then average would have no meaning.

                                Plus think of a sports analogy. You could shoot free throws and practice basketball 100 hours a week for a decade and still not make the nba cus you just might not have the physical tools to do it, height, speed, coordination, reflexes, mental capacity for basketball decisions. Dota is much less physical, but reaction time and hand eye coordination still applies.


                                  is it also coz dota has been out for such a long time and so many people been playing it for years ? a lot of competition yeah?

                                  Miku Plays

                                    I just wanna fck up games